Monday, November 18, 2013

Tuesday, November 19th

Cheese Ravioli w/Marinara Sauce, Sauteed Kale, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Garlic Breadstick
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, OR Deli Sandwich, OR Salad Bar, OR Pizza

The FCSU Art Show will be held from November 19th-24th. Art work by K-12th grade students will be displayed at the Collins Perley Sports Complex in St. Albans.  There will be an “Art Show Reception” with refreshments provided by the art teachers on Wednesday, November 20th from 5:00-7:00pm.   

The Thanksgiving Feast will be Thursday, November 21, 2013
We invite you to our Thanksgiving Luncheon, to have lunch with your child/children.  Please fill out the RSVP that went home and return it to your child’s classroom confirming the number of family members attending. Cost: Students $1.95
Adults $3.25

Open Doors Activities for November 19th
Open Doors
5/6 Pizza Making         3:30-5:00    SATEC Kitchen
3/4 Dodgeball               3:30-4:30    SATEC GYM
7/8 2INSPIRE Dance    3:30-4:30    SATEC Cafeteria
Boxing                         3:30:3-5:00  Fitness Zone

No athletic events are scheduled today
Winter Sports for 5-8 will begin on December 2nd. Schedules for practice times will be handed out this week.