Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, January 5, 2015

Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Dipping Sauce
Roasted Potato Wedges
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
Banana Bread Square

We hope all our families have a restful break and Happy Holidays!  See everyone on the 5th of January!

5th graders from the McAdoo/Leahy Learning Community enjoying a Holiday breakfast.

5th graders travel to Jay Peak on December 16th for the first of 3 mountain adventures.

Open Doors:
Registration forms for our Winter Session were handed out to students in grades 1-8 this afternoon. The Deadline is Friday, January 9th. Open Doors After School will begin on Monday, January 12th. Please contact Ms. Rose Bedard at mrbedard@fcsuvt.org or 752-2703.

Athletics 1/5/15:
3:30-5:00 8 Boys (Hallway Side)      7 Boys (Stage Side)
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls (Hallway Side)   5/6 Boys White (Stage Side)

6:30-7:45 7/8 Boys (Hallway Side)   8 Girls (Stage Side)