Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ham & Cheese or Veggie & Cheese Stromboli
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
Farm Fresh Milk

Open Doors:
Literature Brought to Life

3/4 Cooking with Mrs. King
5/6 2Inspire Dance
5-8 What a Novel Idea
7/8 Exploring the 3rd Dimension
(Students will be bussed over to BFA after dismissal and brought back to SATEC for 4:55 to be picked up)
7/8 Adobe Photoshop
(Students will be bussed over to BFA after dismissal and brought back to SATEC for 4:55 to be picked up)

Athletics (1/21/2015)

4:00 7/8 Boys host Fairfield
5:00 7 Boys host Fairfield  * This has been a change from the recent schedule
6:15-7:45 7 Girls (Hallway Side)  8 Girls (Stage Side)

This years’ yearbook committee has decided to continue the tradition of displaying pictures of the 8th grade class in their “younger years.”   Parents/Guardians will have until February 20th to submit a baby or toddler photo. Photos can be brought to Mary Rose in an envelope stating your first and last name and if you want the picture returned back to you. Please make sure you identify the photo. Photos may also be emailed in a jpeg file to mrbedard@fcsuvt.org
        Our deadline is around the corner therefore we will not be accepting anything past the due date of February 20th. If you have any questions please see Mary Rose or a yearbook staff member.