Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
Broccoli Salad
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

There will be no Walking Wednesday February 3rd

Mrs. Rich and Mrs. Pelkey’s Snowman Buddies Artwork

1st grade art work from Ms. Dulude’s and Ms. Thompson’s classes.

After School Activities for Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.

1-4 YO-YO Mentoring program
5-8 Homework Lab

3-4 Cooking with Mrs. King
3-4 Tae Kwon Do
5/6 2INSPIRE Dance


5/6 Boys Green

5/6 Girls

8 Girls

A Message from the ACT 46 Committee
The educational advantages to a unification are many. First and foremost, a unified school district would help ensure that all students in the district receive an equitable, quality education regardless of town of residence. It would help ensure that each student entering BFA would arrive equally prepared having received the same excellent opportunities.

Unification would create a single school district and elected board responsible for all grades, pre-K through twelve. The unified school board would assume all of the responsibilities of the supervisory union.

A unified district could streamline the complicated school board and administrative structure outlined above. It could expand educational options for students (e.g. sharing equipment, technology and staff, flexibility in building use). It could provide cost savings in the operation of our pre-K-12 schools.  A few examples:  one audited financial statement instead of five; contract with a single provider for trash or food service; eliminate billing back and forth for services provided by one member district to another.

A unification vote would allow us to work towards a unified strategic plan for all students in the three towns, under the banner of a shared vision and mission.

A single school district would allow for great flexibility and creativity to best serve our students. Strict town borders would no longer be an issue and could give each student the opportunity for the setting that works best. For example, a student living beside the City School but actually located in the Town may be able to attend the closest school. Or a Fairfield parent who works in St. Albans City, and has childcare in the City, may be able to have their child attend City School.

The Articles of Agreement have been approved by the State Department of Education, and will be put before the voters of all three towns on Town Meeting Day.

https://sites.google.com/a/fcsuvt.org/act46/home. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to act46@fcsuvt.org.