Thursday, February 23, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Gingered Cabbage Salad
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.  Applications must be sent in by March 1st.

February 20-24th is SATEC’s Spirit Week

Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th, 4th and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue

After School Activities
There are no after school activities today.
Enjoy your break!

Girls on the Run and Heart and Soul programs
Registration for Girls on the Run (grades 3-5) and Heart and Soul (grades 6-8) is open. This year parents of participants will be registering online. Registration will close Wednesday, March 16th. The fee for this 10 week program is originally $100.00 with assistance for those who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Information for registration is below. Please contact Rose Bedard with any questions or concerns.

2/27/17 – 3/7/17
For Winter Break
School will resume on 3/8/17

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Oven Baked Goulash
Garlic Breadstick
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.  Applications must be sent in by March 1st.

February 20-24th is SATEC’s Spirit Week

“Theme Thursday”  Each Learning Community will decide on what to theme to represent that day.
Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th, 4th and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue

2/27/17 – 3/7/17
For Winter Break
School will resume on 3/8/17

After School Activities
3:30-4:45 4-8 Rock and Read Make up class
3:30-5:00 Junior Iron Chef

4:00 7/8 Girls and 5:00 8 Boys @ Alburgh
Bus leaves at 3:00 Students dismissed at 2:50

Girls on the Run and Heart and Soul programs
Registration for Girls on the Run (grades 3-5) and Heart and Soul (grades 6-8) is open. This year parents of participants will be registering online. Registration will close Wednesday, March 16th. The fee for this 10 week program is originally $100.00 with assistance for those who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Information for registration is below. Please contact Rose Bedard with any questions or concerns.

SATEC Drama announcement
If you are part of SATEC Drama and would like to order a Tee Shirt- please have your form and money in by Friday, February 24.  If you need another form, please see Mrs. Conger or Ms. Thompson.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Chicken Noodle Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.  Applications must be sent in by March 1st.

February 20-24th is SATEC’s Spirit Week

“When I grow up Wednesday” Dress to impress, as your outfit shows what you want to be when you grow up!
“Theme Thursday”  Each Learning Community will decide on what to theme to represent that day.
Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th, 4th and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue

2/27/17 – 3/7/17
For Winter Break
School will resume on 3/8/17

After School Activities
3/4 I Spy * Make up class
5/6 2INSPIRE Dance

Uniform Return
By Wednesday, winter sports will  have ended. We want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by March 13th, will be considered “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chicken Fajitas
Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Lularoe Pop-up Boutique at SATEC Tuesday (2/21) in the cafeteria from 4:30-6:30 pm to help raise funds for the 6-8th gr. trip to Quebec City with Madame. Women & kids's clothes and more!  Come check it out and invite your friends!

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.

February 20-24th is SATEC’s Spirit Week

“Twinning Tuesday” Find a staff member, teacher classmate or friend and dress alike
“When I grow up Wednesday” Dress to impress, as your outfit shows what you want to be when you grow up!
“Theme Thursday”  Each Learning Community will decide on what to theme to represent that day.
Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th, 4th and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue

2/27/17 – 3/7/17
For Winter Break
School will resume on 3/8/17

Open Doors Make up classes for Tuesday, February 21st
Students will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal

1/2 Art is Fun

7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
3/4 Cooking with Mrs. King
3-6 Swimming is Fun
Students will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal and will be bussed over to Branon’s Pool.
Pick up will be at Branon’s Pool.

5-8 Automotive Tech
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal and will be bussed over to BFA.
Pick up will be at BFA Tech Center

4:15 7/8 Girls host City
5:15 8 Boys host City

Uniform Return
By Wednesday, winter sports will  have ended. We want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by March 13th, will be considered “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Chicken Patty Sandwich
Oven Baked French Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Lularoe Pop-up Boutique at SATEC Tuesday (2/21) in the cafeteria from 4:30-6:30 pm to help raise funds for the 6-8th gr. trip to Quebec City with Madame. Women & kids's clothes and more!  Come check it out and invite your friends!

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.

Reminder Winter Break No School February 27-March 7.

After School Activities

1-4 YoYo Mentoring
3/4 2INSPIRE Dance
5-8 Marvelous Murals

5-8 Magic the Gathering

4:15 7/8 Girls Host City

5:15 8 Boys Host City

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Cheesy Breadsticks w/Marinara
Minestrone Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar

Lularoe Pop-up Boutique here Next Tuesday (2/21) in the cafeteria from 4:30-6:30 pm to help raise funds for the 6-8th gr. trip to Quebec City with Madame. Women & kids's clothes and more!  Come check it out and invite your friends!

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.

Reminder Winter Break No School February 27-March 7.

After School Activities

3:30-5:00 Drama in the Kiva

5/6 Basketball Games for Saturday, February 18, 2017
8:00 am 5/6 Boys White vs. Milton @  Milton Herrick
10:00 am5/6 Girls vs. Fairfax @ Georgia Middle School
11:00 am 5/6 Boys Green vs. Fairfax Black @ Milton Herrick

February 20-24th is SATEC’s Spirit Week

“America  Monday” Dress in red, white, blue, stars and stripes!
“Twinning Tuesday” Find a staff member, teacher classmate or friend and dress alike
“When I grow up Wednesday” Dress to impress, as your outfit shows what you want to be when you grow up!
“Theme Thursday”  Each Learning Community will decide on what to theme to represent that day.
Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th, 4th and Kindergarten wear green
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue

SATEC’s Spirit Cup
SATEC’s Spirit Cup is a rotating trophy that will be given each year to the class with the most spirit. Students in grades K-8 and staff can earn points by participating in the daily dress up days. Each day during their lunch period, an assigned student council member will come into the cafeteria and tally up those who participated that day. A bulletin board out in the main hallway will track each grade’s progress. At the end the week, the grade with most points/percentage wins.

“Best in Show” Parade

As the assigned student council member is tallying up each grade’s participation level for that day, they are also looking for a few students and staff members who are “best in show” for that particular themed day. Students and staff will receive a certificate for their spirit and be invited to be in our 1st annual “Best in Show” in parade at Friday’s assembly. If they choose to be a part of the parade, on Friday they will bring the outfit that they wore on that particular day that were chosen.  That afternoon, we will call the students and staff down a few minutes before the assembly to get changed and ready.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hot Turkey Sandwich
Hand Cut French Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.
Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.

After School Activities

4:00 7/8 Girls Host Georgia

4:00 7 Boys @ Georgia
5:00 8 Boys @ Georgia

5:15-6:30 5/6 Boys Green practice

Open Doors
4-8 Rock and Read
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

1-4 Swimming at Branon’s pool
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.
Parent pick up is at Branon’s pool.

1-4 Steam Jammers Junior
Students will meet in the cafeteria
Parent pick is at the Frozen Ogre at 46 Main Street.

6-8 Junior Iron Chef

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pancakes w/Local Syrup
Sausage Links
Sweet & White Home Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Paws-itive Pies for PBIS!  School Wide Coin Challenge
4th grade is in the league with 7th grade close behind!
Each Grade will have the opportunity to bring in silver coins starting Tuesday, February 7th through the 23rd.
The top two grades (one grade from K-4 and one grade 5-8) that have the most amount of money raised will get the chance to put a pie in their teachers’ or staff members that works with in the grade face during our spirit assembly on Friday the 24th.  Teachers and students will be drawn that day. All the money raised will go towards PBIS celebrations!  The bins for the coins will be located in the library.

After School Activities

4:15 5/6 Girls basketball host Alburg
5:15 5/6 Boys green basketball host Alburg

Open Doors
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

3/4 I Spy
5/6 2INSPIRE Dance

Cooking with Mrs. King

This will be the last week of Open Doors Winter Session excluding 2INSPIRE dance.
We will make up the following classes the week of  a February 20th.
Monday,  February 20th
1-4 Y.O. Y.O. Mentoring Program
3/4 2INSPIRE Dance
5-8 Marvelous Murals
5-8 Magic the Gaming

Tuesday, February 21st
1/2 Art is Fun
7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
3/4 Cooking with Mrs. King
Swimming is Fun
Students will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal and will be bussed over to Branon’s Pool.
Pick up will be at Branon’s Pool

Wednesday, February 22nd
I Spy

Thursday, February 23rd
4-8 Rock and Read
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show will be held on April 28th, 7:00 at BFA Performing Arts Center.

Any students in grade 1-8 that is interested in auditioning can pick up a form at Ms. Rose’s desk in the back lobby.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Roast Pork w/Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Glazed Carrots
Dinner Roll
Valentine Dessert
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

After School Activities

1/2 Art is Fun

7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
3/4 Cooking with Mrs. King
Swimming is Fun
Students will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal and will be bussed over to Branon’s Pool.
Pick up will be at Branon’s Pool.
4-8 Rock and Read
Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

4:15 5/6 girls host Alburg

5:15 5/6 Boys green host Alburg