Monday, September 25, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chicken Fajitas w/Sautéed Onions & Peppers
Rice Pilaf
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

On September 26th, SATEC will team up with RiseVT to gather height and weight information for children in Grades 1, 3 and 5 in the afternoon.
Letters to parents of 1st, 3rd and 5th graders were already sent home.  Here is the basic information that was sent.
Since June 2015, RiseVT has encouraged communities to embrace healthy lifestyles.  RiseVT started with one single question – how healthy are the people who live in Franklin and Grand Isle counties.  The numbers told us that we could do better.  We began working in many communities, businesses, towns, and schools to provide support for a positive change.
Resources for learning more about promoting good nutrition, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight are available at or
For more information you can also visit
If you have any questions about this information, please contact RiseVT Program Manager, Denise Smith, at or call 802-524-8825.
If you do not want your child to participate in the BMI measurement activity,
Please e-mail or call 802-524-8825 or return the signed form that was mailed home.

After School Activities
Due to the heat index
All Athletics are cancelled for today

Games that were rescheduled for today canceled again, and rescheduled been for Friday, September 29th.
All times, locations and teams are the same.

Open House September 27th
Grades K-4 5:30-6:30
Grades 5-8 6:00-7:00

Click below for the 2017-2018 sign up form for Odyssey of The Mind. You can also read about the problems that students will be working on.
What is Odyssey of the Mind?
A team creative thinking and problem solving competition that runs from mid-October to March 17 (state competition day). (Typically one practice a week, time is based on volunteer coach’s schedule)
Who can participate?
Any Maple Run student in grades K-8 (no cost to participate) who is willing to use their imagination and skills, can work together on a team and wants to think outside the box!