Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

BBQ Pork Sandwich
Rotini w/Kale Pesto
Birthday Cake
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Message from the FCSU Act 46 Study committee:
Did you know… Why we are doing this now? It's the law. While merging into one school district has many good reasons, the Legislature, when it passed Act 46, provided significant financial incentives for Supervisory Unions that have recently studied mergers and already have a governance structure that is conducive to unification, including: a reduction in property tax rates of 10 cents the first year, 8 cents the second, and declining for five years to zero; and a $150,000 grant to help with the process. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to

After School Activities for Thursday, 11/19/2015

3/4 Basketball
Yearbook Club

5-8 Intramural Sports
1-2 Awesome Art
All Open Doors students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.

5-8 Archery
Students will board bus “Route 2” at dismissal
Parents will pick up students at Pelkey’s Archery at 5:00

This is the last week of Open Doors for this session excluding this Monday.

3:30-5:00 7 Boys (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30  5/6 Boys White (Stage Side)  5/6 Boys Green (Hallway Side)
6:30-8:00  8 Boys (Stage Side)   8 Girls (Hallway Side)

5:30-7:00 Cafeteria

Do you like to help others? Great!
The CHAMP Community needs your help!
They are sponsoring a diaper drive. Diapers will go to COTS, the Community on Temporary Shelter. You can bring Pull-Ups and/or diapers of any brand or size.
Diapers will be collected until November 30th.
Bring the diapers to your teachers, CHAMP students will collect and tally the diapers donated.
The community that donates the most diapers wins baked goods.The deadline is Nov.30.

SATEC’s Winter Extravaganza Variety Show
We are excited to host our 2nd Annual Winter Extravaganza Variety Show on December 18th.

Open Doors after school program will be offering free workshops for students in grades 3-8 starting Monday,  November 30th leading up to the show on the 18th. Workshops include, dancing, acting and costume design. Brochures will be handed this afternoon.  Come be a part of this awesome show!