Monday, December 7, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Spaghetti w/Meat or Marinara Sauce or Spaghetti Squash Bake
Wheat Bread Slices
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Holiday Feast - Friday, December 11, 2015
Oven Baked Ham
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Peas and Hearty Stuffing
Cranberry or Apple Sauce
Homemade Rolls and Holiday Dessert

Lunch Times
10:45 Kindergarten
11:00 7th Grade
11:15 3rd Grade
11:30 8th Grade
11:45 2nd Grade
12:00 4th Grade
12:15 6th Grade
12:30 5th Grade
12:45 1st Grade

After School Activities for 12/8/2015

3:30-5:00 5-8 Cooking

Winter Extravaganza Workshops: 3:30-5:00
7/8 Dance
3-8 Acting
5-8 Costume Design

Participating Students can meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

Open Doors’ Winter Session will begin on January 11th.
Brochures for grades 1-4 and 5-8 were be distributed in homerooms last week.
The registration deadline is Monday, December 14th. Students will receive notification on by Thursday, December 17th. Classes are filling up quickly.  


8 Girls 4:00  and 8 Boys 5:00 Host Westford

  • Reminder student athletes and/or students are not allowed to stay after school to watch games unless they are with an adult or their coach. There is no provided supervision after school.

6:30-7:45  7 Girls Practice


A Message from the ACT 46 Study Committee:
Did you know…. We studied merging in 2011, and decided not to.  What’s different this time around?
Increases in the state base education tax rate has made it clear that the way education is currently organized in Vermont is getting more and more expensive while serving a shrinking population of students, and it is worth exploring all avenues to cost savings that also have the potential to preserve or expand educational opportunities.  Our three towns also have more in common than they did years ago. This unification would allow one governance structure while allowing individuality in our schools. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to