Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Macaroni & Cheese
Roasted Broccoli
Homemade Cornbread
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza

Pick a Time is now open to schedule your parent conferences.  Conferences will be held the week of October 13th-17th.  There will be no school on Friday, October 17th due to parent conferences.  If you need assistance with Pick A Time please call Tammy Deso at 752-2700.

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Mrs. Branon’s 6th graders engaged in Lego Engineering during enrichment time.

Athletics for 10/14/14
7 Girls and 7 Boys Host South Hero

3:30-5:00 Field 1
8 Boys

Open Doors:
Thursday, October 15th, is the registration deadline for Open Doors After School Opportunities.
Classes are filling fast! Please send in your paperwork to Ms. Rose in the back lobby as soon as possible.