Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 22, 2014

Nachos Supreme (Seasoned Taco Meat, Cheese Sauce, Lettuce, Salsa, Corn Tortilla Chips) Rice Pilaf,Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Owl Encounter organized by Four Winds:
Students in Grades K-6 were fortunate to view up close a few raptors as part of the culminating Four Winds programming for this year. Thanks to “Outreach for Earth Stewardship” for some great presentations.

Barred Owl.jpg
Red Hawk.jpg

SATEC Summer Camp Opportunities:
Open Doors Summer Camp Brochures have been distributed to homerooms for grades K-7.  Come be a part of the summer fun with the best quality programs for the best price around!  Please contact Ms. Rose or 527-7191 ext. 321 with any questions.

After school Activities for May 22nd
Open Doors:
*Thursday’s Gardening and Green Group is cancelled and rescheduled for June 5th. A note was sent home with your child.
3:30-4:30  3/4 Intramural Sports,   *Students will meet in the cafeteria
3:30-5:30  5-8 Aviation, Students will meet in the cafeteria and will be bussed to and from the Franklin County Airport. Students will arrive back at SATEC at 5:30pm.

Home vs. St. Francis Xavier  4:30

No School Friday, May 23rd- Teacher in-service

**Friday, May 23rd
Home vs. Georgia 4:15