Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 18, 2014

Hot Turkey Sandwich with Gravy, Mashed Potato, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

8th grade Graduation Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 18th at 6:00pm in the SATEC Gymnasium.  The doors will be open at 5:00pm.

SATEC Walk/Bike to school day-June 19th!
Our last walk/bike to school day will be on Thursday, June 19th.  We will use the same drop off locations and routes!  It will be a beautiful morning.  We hope you can join us!

Summer Camp Reimbursement:
Town parents who have enrolled their child in Open Doors and/or St. Albans Recreation programs are eligible to receive a 30% reimbursement to attend camp.  In order to get reimbursed you must fill out a form that can be found on the St. Albans Town link provided here.  Once you have filled out the form you need to return it to the Town Clerk's office which is located on Lake Road St. Albans Bay.   If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Town Clerk's office at 524-7589.  

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 17, 2014

Spaghetti with Meat or Garden Marinara Sauce, Chopped Green Salad, Garlic Breadstick, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

8th grade Graduation will be held on Wednesday, June 18th at 6:00pm.

Lake Monster Baseball Game, June 27th:

“Take us out to the ball game!”Photo: “Take us out to the ball game!”

On Friday, June 27th the Vermont Lake Monsters will be celebrating SATEC’s family and friends! This event is a fundraiser for our Open Doors After School programs and is a great opportunity to celebrate our great community over a baseball game.

Tickets are being pre-sold for $6.00 per person with $3.00 returning back to the school to benefit our students during out of school times. Tickets can also be exchangeable for future dates.

A great family, school and community event!!
Please contact Mary Rose Bedard at  mrbedard@fcsuvt.org to place an order by April 11th.
On Friday, June 27th the Vermont Lake Monsters will be celebrating SATEC’s family and friends! This event is a fundraiser for our Open Doors After School programs and is a great opportunity to celebrate our great community over a baseball game.

Tickets are being pre-sold for $6.00 per person with $3.00 returning back to the school to benefit our students during out of school times. Tickets can also be exchangeable for future dates.

A great family, school and community event!! We will be recognizing over 25 SATEC students for being outstanding citizens of the SATEC community!
To purchase tickets click on the link below or call the box office at 802-655-6611.
Discounted $6 tickets

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 16, 2014

Chicken Patty Sandwich,Garden Pasta Salad with Fresh Herbs, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

8th grade Graduation will be held on Wednesday, June 18th at 6:00pm.

Summer Camp Reimbursement:
Town parents who have enrolled their child in Open Doors and/or St. Albans Recreation programs are eligible to receive a 30% reimbursement to attend camp.  In order to get reimbursed you must fill out a form that can be found on the St. Albans Town link provided here.  Once you have filled out the form you need to return it to the Town Clerk's office which is located on Lake Road St. Albans Bay.   If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Town Clerk's office at 524-7589.  

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 13, 2014

Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Rainbow Slaw, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

SATEC’s  7th and 8th grade Graduation Dance will be held on Friday, June 13th from 7:00-9:30pm in the Cafeteria.  Students are required to have met academic and behavior expectations to attend.

2014 Yearbooks are in!!!
Students who pre ordered, will be receiving their yearbooks on Thursday, June 12th during their lunch times. We still have plenty of yearbooks to purchase! We will be selling yearbooks starting on Thursday until next Tuesday during lunches. Yearbooks can be purchased for $15.00. Please make checks out to SATEC yearbook.

After school activities have concluded for this school year.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 12, 2014

Chicken Fajitas, Rice Pilaf, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

SATEC’s  7th and 8th grade Graduation Dance will be held on Friday, June 13th from 7:00-9:30pm in the Cafeteria.  Students are required to have met academic and behavior expectations to attend.

2014 Yearbooks are in!!!
Students who pre ordered, will be receiving their yearbooks on Thursday, June 12th during their lunch times. We still have plenty of yearbooks to purchase! We will be selling yearbooks starting on Thursday until next Tuesday during lunches. Yearbooks can be purchased for $15.00. Please make checks out to SATEC yearbook.

After school activities have concluded for this school year.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 11, 2014

Cheesy Breadsticks, Marinara Sauce, Hearty Chili,Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza
2014 Yearbooks are in!!!
Students who pre ordered, will be receiving their yearbooks on Thursday, June 12th during their lunch times. We still have plenty of yearbooks to purchase! We will be selling yearbooks starting on Thursday until next Tuesday during lunches. Yearbooks can be purchased for $15.00. Please make checks out to SATEC yearbook.

There will be a SATEC School Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 11th at 6:00pm in conference room B.

There are no after school activities for June 11th.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 10, 2014

Macaroni and Cheese, Steamed Carrots, Homemade Cornbread, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

The 8th Grade Athletic Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.

There will be a SATEC School Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 11th at 6:00pm in conference room B.

There are no after school activities for June 10th.

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 9, 2014

Dress your Own Burger on a Bun, Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Kindergarten Concert:
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Congratulations to all our Kindergarten students!  What a wonderful performance!

The 8th Grade Athletic Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.

There are no after school activities for June 9th.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 6, 2014

Pancakes with Warm Syrup, Scrambled Eggs, Sweet White Home Fries, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

If you are at school, please stop by to check out our 4 tables of "Lost but not Found".  We have clothes, boots, ski pants, hats, mittens etc., looking for their owners.  They are  located in the hallway before the Cafeteria.  Thank you.

Kindergarten Concert this Friday, June 6th at 2:00 in the cafeteria.    

5-8 Band Concert this Friday, June 6th at 7:00pm in the gymnasium.

Middle Level Scholar/Leader Awards
Congratulations to Kyra Trimm and Elena Clark for receiving the SATEC 2014 Middle Level Scholar Leader Award.  This special award is given to two students who demonstrate teamwork, positive interactions with others, respect, dependability, productivity, respect of diversity, leadership and scholarship. The awards were presented on June 4th at Norwich University.

After school Activities for June 6th:
Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors activities today.
There are no athletic events today.

The 8th Grade Athletic Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 10th.
Please RSVP to Rose Bedard by Friday, June 6th 6:00 pm if your immediate family and athlete will be attending.  mrbedard@fcsuvt.org 527-7191 ext.9321

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 5, 2014

Nachos Supreme (Seasoned Taco Meat, Cheese Sauce, Lettuce, Salsa, Corn Tortilla Chips), Rice Pilaf, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

After school Activities for June 5th:
Open Doors:
*Make Up Class for Green up and Gardening
 3:30-4:30 Students will meet in the cafeteria

3:30-7:00 5-8 2INSPIRE Dress Rehearsal at BFA (Gym)
Students must have turned in a walkers pass in order to walk over at dismissal.

The 8th Grade Athletic Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 10th.
Please RSVP to Rose Bedard by Friday, June 6th 6:00 pm if your immediate family and athlete will be attending.  mrbedard@fcsuvt.org 527-7191 ext.9321

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 4, 2014

Ham and Cheese Double Decker, Chopped Green Salad, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Taste Test: Herb Sampling
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

If you are at school, please stop by to check out our 4 tables of "Lost but not Found".  We have clothes, boots, ski pants, hats, mittens etc., looking for their owners.  They are  located in the hallway before the Cafeteria.  Thank you.

Kindergarten Concert this Friday, June 6th at 2:00 in the cafeteria.  
5-8 Band Concert this Friday, June 6th at 7:00pm in the gymnasium.

After school Activities for June 4th:
Open Doors:
3:30-5:00 5-8 2inspire Dance Gym

The 8th Grade Athletic Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 10th.
Please RSVP to Rose Bedard by Friday, June 6th 6:00 pm if your immediate family and athlete will be attending.  mrbedard@fcsuvt.org 527-7191 ext.9321

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 3, 2014

Goulash, Tomato, Macaroni, and Beef Bake, Steamed Broccoli, Garlic Bread Stick, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

5-8 Band Concert this Friday, June 6th at 7:00pm in the gymnasium.

After school Activities for June 3rd:
Open Doors:
3:30-4:15 Circus Circus
*Students will meet in the cafeteria Parent Presentation at 4:00 in the gym

3:30-5:00 5-8  2INSPIRE Dance Students will meet in the gym

There are no athletic events today.