Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015 - Informational Budget Meeting Materials

The St. Albans Town School District Board of Directors will be holding their annual Informational Budget Meeting on Wednesday, February 25th beginning at 6pm in the SATEC Library. Please click on the title of this post to access the link to view the presentation materials. They can also be found in the “Administration” section of our website under the “School Board” heading.  The regular monthly Board meeting will be held at 5:30pm on 2/25/15.

2/23/15 – 3/3/15  FOR WINTER BREAK.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

Meatball Sub
Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

Friday - Class Color Day
Class Colors:
5th grade- (along with Patterson/Lanthier)- Blue/White
6th grade- (along with Conley/ McKennerney)-Red/White
7th grade- (along with Conger & Rich)-Yellow or Gold/White
8th grade- (along with Lamson/Calcagni) -Green/White

2/23/15 – 3/3/15  FOR WINTER BREAK.

Parent Conference Sign ups will begin on March 4th.  Instructions on using the Pick A Time conference scheduler will be going home with your child today.  If you have any questions contact Tammy Deso 752-2700 or tdeso@fcsuvt.org.

Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors events scheduled today.

There are no athletic events scheduled today.

Big Change Round Up – Grades K-6 will be participating again this year – next week and when we get back from vacation please have your students bring in spare change to donate to benefit the University of Vermont’s Children’s Hospital.    Each student received a packet to collect their change in.  Each day they can combine their change and bring it to either office to put in the big jar.  The last day will be March 4, 2015.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Winter Beach Party
Hamburgers, Corn Dogs or Veggie Burgers
Garden Pasta Salad
Baked Beans
Patriot Pops
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Spirit Week
Wednesday, February 19th--Crazy Hat/Hair Day

St. Albans Town Educational Center will host a Kindergarten Open House for the upcoming school year on March 31, 2015 at 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM or 5:00 PM- 5:45PM. If you live in St. Albans Town and your child will be 5 years old by September 1, 2015 please stop by and visit. You and your child will get a chance to meet the teachers, other staff, and tour the Kindergarten. If you have not yet registered your child, this is an opportunity to do so. We will also be scheduling Kindergarten Screenings for June. If you are unable to attend, you can stop by the office any school day from 7:00 to 3:30 to pick up a registration packet.

The honorable,nationwide Girls on the Run and Girls on Track programs have made their way to SATEC!
Starting this March, SATEC will be implementing the Girls on the Run program for girls grades in 3-5 and Girls on Track Program for Girls in grades 6-8.
We will enroll until Friday.
Girls on the Run will meet on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
Girls on Track will meet on both Mondays and Thursday starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
(If you are an active Drama member please speak with Ms. Rose about the opportunity to be able to do both)
Both programs run 12 weeks and will conclude with a 5K Run at the Essex Fairgrounds on June 6th.  Girls on the Run and Girls on Track is more than just running! It’s about empowering girls and giving them tools to develop emotional, physical, and social well-being.
For more information please log on to the website www.girlsontherunvermont.org
or contact Ms. Rose at mrbedard@fcsuvt.org or 752-2703

Open Doors:
Junior Iron Chef

There are no athletics scheduled.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ham & Cheese or Veggie & Cheese Stromboli
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Spirit Week
Wednesday, February 18th--Back in Time

Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors activities scheduled today.

There are no Athletic Events scheduled for today.

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.
This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Macaroni & Cheese
Gingered Cabbage Salad
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Spirit Week:
Tuesday, February 17th- Favorite Sports Team (SATEC athletes are not allowed to wear their SATEC uniform)

Kindergarten Writing Celebration!
Kindergartners in Ms. Pascucci’s and Ms. Lovejoy’s classes read stories they created during their “how-to informational writing unit”.  Students did a fabulous job reading and sharing their stories with staff and parents!




St. Albans Town Educational Center will host a Kindergarten Open House for the upcoming school year on March 31, 2015 at 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM or 5:00 PM- 5:45PM. If you live in St. Albans Town and your child will be 5 years old by September 1, 2015 please stop by and visit. You and your child will get a chance to meet the teachers, other staff, and tour the Kindergarten. If you have not yet registered your child, this is an opportunity to do so. We will also be scheduling Kindergarten Screenings for June. If you are unable to attend, you can stop by the office any school day from 7:00 to 3:30 to pick up a registration packet.

Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors activities scheduled today.

There are no Athletic Events scheduled for today.

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.

This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

Time change for 5th grade FT 2/16/15

5th grade will still be going on their Field Trip today to the Flynn.  They will be leaving at 10:45am and returning at 1:45-2:00pm.  We are arranging for students to get bag lunches from the cafeteria.  Thank you!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Monday, February 16, 2015

Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Dipping Sauce
Homemade French Fries
Dinner Roll
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Spirit Week
February 16th, Monday is Pajama Day

SATEC 6th graders explore design, spacial awareness, and engineering through the online tool Build With Chrome.

Girls on the Run Program
The honorable,nationwide Girls on the Run and Girls on Track programs have made their way to SATEC!
Starting this March, SATEC will be implementing the Girls on the Run program for girls grades in 3-5 and Girls on Track Program for Girls in grades 6-8.
We will enroll until Friday.
Girls on the Run will meet on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
Girls on Track will meet on both Mondays and Thursday starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
(If you are an active Drama member please speak with Ms. Rose about the opportunity to be able to do both)
Both programs run 12 weeks and will conclude with a 5K Run at the Essex Fairgrounds on June 6th.  Girls on the Run and Girls on Track is more than just running! It’s about empowering girls and giving them tools to develop emotional, physical, and social well-being.
For more information please log on to the website www.girlsontherunvermont.org
or contact Ms. Rose at mrbedard@fcsuvt.org or 752-2703

Open Doors:
3/4 2Inspire Dance

Drama Set Design
Junior Iron Chef

Athletics for 2/16/2015
8 Boys at Georgia 4:00
Bus leaves at dismissal  Drop off only

4:00 7 Girls host Georgia
5:00  8 Girls host Georgia

This concludes the season for Basketball and Cheerleading.

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.

This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Pancakes w/Strawberries
Sausage Links
Sweet & White Home Fries
Valentines Day Dessert
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Spirit Week is February 16th - 20th
Monday -Pajama Day
Tuesday- Favorite Sports Team (SATEC athletes are not allowed to wear their SATEC uniform)
Wednesday- Back in Time
Thursday- Crazy Hat/Hair Day
Friday - Class Color Day
Class Colors:
5th grade- (along with Patterson/Lanthier)- Blue/White
6th grade- (along with Conley/ McKennerney)-Red/White
7th grade- (along with Conger & Rich)-Yellow or Gold/White
8th grade- (along with Lamson/Calcagni) -Green/White

Girls on the Run Program
The honorable,nationwide Girls on the Run and Girls on Track programs have made their way to SATEC!
Starting this March, SATEC will be implementing the Girls on the Run program for girls grades in 3-5 and Girls on Track Program for Girls in grades 6-8.
All Girls will be receiving information tomorrow and will be able enroll next week.
Girls on the Run will meet on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
Girls on Track will meet on both Mondays and Thursday starting March 9th. 3:30-5:00.
(If you are an active Drama member please speak with Ms. Rose about the opportunity to be able to do both)
Both programs run 12 weeks and will conclude with a 5K Run at the Essex Fairgrounds on June 6th.  Girls on the Run and Girls on Track is more than just running! It’s about empowering girls and giving them tools to develop emotional, physical, and social well-being.
For more information please log on to the website www.girlsontherunvermont.org
or contact Ms. Rose at mrbedard@fcsuvt.org or 752-2703

Open Doors:

This will be the last week of Open Doors excluding VKAT, Junior Iron Chef, and 3/4 2Inspire Dance who has a make up class on Monday, February 16th.

Yoga Fun

Dungeon and Dragons

Athletics for 2/13/2015
5/6 Boys Green 4:30 and 5/6 Girls 5:30 @ South Hero
Bus leaves at 3:30 Students dismissed at dismissal.

Athletics for 2/14/2015
8 Girls at Milton Tourney  See Tournament Schedule.

5/6 Girls vs.Georgia Red @ St.Albans City 9:00 am
5/6 Boys Green vs. Georgia Gray @ Swanton 10:00 am
5/6 Boys White vs. St. Albans City @ Swanton 2:00 p.m.

This concludes the season for 5/6 Basketball.

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.

This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hot Turkey Sandwich w/Gravy
Homemade French Fries
Homemade Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

SATEC Student’s showing their art work at the District Wide Art Show.

SATEC Spirit Week is February 16th - 20th
Monday -Pajama Day
Tuesday- Favorite Sports Team (SATEC athletes are not allowed to wear their SATEC uniform)
Wednesday- Back in Time
Thursday- Crazy Hat/Hair Day
Friday - Class Color Day
5th gr- Blue & White
6th gr. Red & White
7th gr Yellow & White
8th gr Green & White

We have a supply of Spirit Wear (Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Sweatpants) for sale in the back office.

Open Doors:

This will be the last week of Open Doors excluding VKAT, Junior Iron Chef, and 3/4 2Inspire Dance who has a make up class on Monday, February 16th.

5-8 Archery
Students will board bus #10 at dismissal and be brought back to SATEC for pick up at 4:55
5-8 Cooking with Mrs. King
3/4 Paper Art

2-4 Wild Child Work Out
Students will report to the cafeteria at dismissal to catch a later bus and parents will need to pick up their children at the “Train Station formerly known as the The Fitness Zone at 5:00


4:00 7/8 Boys vs. Grande Isle
5:00 7 Girls vs. Grande Isle

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.
This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Chicken Noodle Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Farm Fresh Milk

Open Doors:
This will be the last week of Open Doors excluding VKAT, Junior Iron Chef, and 3/4 2Inspire Dance who has a make up class on Monday, February 16th.

Literature Brought to Life

3/4 Cooking with Mrs. King
5/6 2Inspire Dance
5-8 What a Novel Idea
7/8 Exploring the 3rd Dimension
(Students will be bussed over to BFA after dismissal and brought back to SATEC for 4:55 to be picked up)
7/8 Adobe Photoshop
(Students will be bussed over to BFA after dismissal and brought back to SATEC for 4:55 to be picked up)

Uniform Return
As we enter the last week of winter sports we want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. Jersey that are not returned by February 20th will be consider “lost” and those players will receive a bill for $30.00 to help replace it.
This excludes Cheerleading jerseys.Those will be collected at the last practice/game by the coach.

8 Boys (Hallway Side)
5/6 Boys White (Stage Side)

5/6 Girls (Hallway Side)

5/6 Boys Green (Stage Side)