Thursday, December 20, 2018

Daily Announcements Friday December 21, 2018

Choice of:
Iced Honey Bun, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce
Garlic Breadstick
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Daily Soup

After School Activities 
There are no after school activities or atheltics scheduled for today. 
Have a great break! 

 BFA hitting clinic dates are Jan. 6th-Feb. 17th on Sunday nights two times slots 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30, and the pitching dates Sunday nights Jan. 6th-March 10th 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30 through Saint Albans Little League at Collins Perley. Please feel free to pass along information to any girls that might be going to BFA in the future. The clinic are looking for those who will be willing to volunteer to help at the pitching clinic. Pitching will be $40 including tee shirt. The hitting clinic is run by the Varsity BFA softball team, hitting clinic is by donation plus $10 for the tee-shirt. Let me know if your daughter is interested in one or both clinics. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail at  

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

Holiday Break No School December 24-January 2nd.  

Our Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Daily Announcements, Wednesday December 19, 2018

Choice of:
Breakfast Round, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Ham & Cheese Calzone
Caesar Salad
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Daily Soup

After School Activities 
3:30-5:00  4-8 Drama
4:00 7/8 Girls Basketball Host City * This has been a change from the original schedule
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls Basketball Practice *This has been a change from the original schedule.

 BFA hitting clinic dates are Jan. 6th-Feb. 17th on Sunday nights two times slots 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30, and the pitching dates Sunday nights Jan. 6th-March 10th 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30 through Saint Albans Little League at Collins Perley. Please feel free to pass along information to any girls that might be going to BFA in the future. The clinic are looking for those who will be willing to volunteer to help at the pitching clinic. Pitching will be $40 including tee shirt. The hitting clinic is run by the Varsity BFA softball team, hitting clinic is by donation plus $10 for the tee-shirt. Let me know if your daughter is interested in one or both clinics. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail at  

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

Our Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Monday, December 17, 2018

Daily Announcements, Tuesday December 18, 2018

Choice of:
Ham & Cheese Bagel, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla
Rice Pilaf
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Daily Soup

After School Activities 
 3:30-5:00 3/4 and 5-8 2INSPIRE Dance Celebration 
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Basketball Practice
5:00-6:30 8 Boys Basketball Practice
6:30-7:45 7 Boys Basketball Practice
Cheer leading practice has been canceled for tonight.

 BFA hitting clinic dates are Jan. 6th-Feb. 17th on Sunday nights two times slots 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30, and the pitching dates Sunday nights Jan. 6th-March 10th 5-5:45 and 5:45-6:30 through Saint Albans Little League at Collins Perley. Please feel free to pass along information to any girls that might be going to BFA in the future. The clinic are looking for those who will be willing to volunteer to help at the pitching clinic. Pitching will be $40 including tee shirt. The hitting clinic is run by the Varsity BFA softball team, hitting clinic is by donation plus $10 for the tee-shirt. Let me know if your daughter is interested in one or both clinics. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail at  

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

Our Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Daily Announcements Monday, December 17. 2018

Choice of:
Assorted Cereal, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Dress Your Own Burger
Hand Cut French Fries
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Daily Soup

After School Activities 
4:00 7/8 Girls @ Fairfax  Bus leaves at 3:20 
Students dismissed at 3:10
4:00 7 Boys vs. Fairfax
5:00 8 Boys vs. Fairfax

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Dear SATEC Families,
    The CHAMP Community is excited to announce that we are sponsoring The Dee PT Great Diaper Drive (see backside for their informational flyer). We are asking SATEC families to donate diapers of any size and brand (even wipes and Pull-Ups). The diapers will go to COTS. We are collecting from now until Dec. 17th. We are hoping to exceed last year's amazing donation of just over 12,000 diapers! To date, the SATEC community has donated just over 20,000 diapers since joining this cause in 2015!
Collecting until December 17th
We are grateful for any donations that are made

Diapers can be left with your child’s homeroom teacher or dropped off to a CHAMP Community classroom. Donations  will be collected daily by CHAMP Community volunteers
Questions contact Laurie Ely @

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Daily Announcements Friday, December 14, 2018

Choice of:
Iced Honey Bun, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Butternut Squash Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

There are no after school activities or athletics scheduled for today. 

 5/6 Games for Saturday, December 15th 
*This has been a change from the original schedule.  Please note that all games will be played at SATEC.
9:00 Fairfax White vs. SATEC  Boys Green @ SATEC 
10:00 Fairfax Gray vs. SATEC Boys White @ SATEC
12:00 Fairfield Gold Girls vs. SATEC Girls @ SATEC

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Dear SATEC Families,
    The CHAMP Community is excited to announce that we are sponsoring The Dee PT Great Diaper Drive (see backside for their informational flyer). We are asking SATEC families to donate diapers of any size and brand (even wipes and Pull-Ups). The diapers will go to COTS. We are collecting from now until Dec. 17th. We are hoping to exceed last year's amazing donation of just over 12,000 diapers! To date, the SATEC community has donated just over 20,000 diapers since joining this cause in 2015!
Collecting until December 17th
We are grateful for any donations that are made

Diapers can be left with your child’s homeroom teacher or dropped off to a CHAMP Community classroom. Donations  will be collected daily by CHAMP Community volunteers
Questions contact Laurie Ely @

Odyssey of the Mind's cookie dough fundraiser:  We have some extra
tubs of cookie dough still available.
The dough will be available to purchase first come/first serve on Dec 14
in the cafeteria from 3:30-5 (exact cash or check only).
To reserve a specific kind (pre-payment required) prior to that date,
email Lynn Tetreault @

Currently available flavors:

$16 tubs: (makes 40 cookies)
Peanut Butter-1
Oatmeal Raisin-4
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut-3
Caramel Pecan Chocolate Chip-3

$10 tubs: (makes 30 cookies)
Chunky Chocolate Chip-1
Peanut Butter-1
Oatmeal Raisin-2
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut-2

$16 preportioned Chunky Chocolate Chip-1

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daily Announcements, Thursday December 13, 2018

Choice of:
Sausage and Cheese EnglishMuffin, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola or Bagel w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Meatball Sub
Crinkle Cut French Fries
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Daily Soup

After School Activities
Open Doors Workshops 3:30-4:45 
3/4  Making Grinch Trail Mix with Mrs. King
Paint and Sip with Mrs. Capone

3:30-5:00 7/8 Girls Basketball Practice Hallway Side
5/6 Boys Basketball Practice Stage Side * This has been a change from the original schedule. 
5:00-6:30 8 Boys Basketball Practice
6:00-7:30 5-8 Cheer Practice 
6:30-8:00 7 Boys Basketball Practice
* A reminder that there is no supervision in the evening.  We ask that athletes to not arrive to practice any earlier than 15 minutes before thier scheduled time.  We ask parents that if you do transport them here before then, to please come in to the school and wait with your child until their coach arrives. Thank you for support and understanding.

A reminder that there is no after school supervision. Students who
are not enrolled in an after school program or athletics must leave
school grounds at dismissal and return at a later time unless they have an
adult with them. Parents cannot give their child permission to stay after
school unless they plan to be here with them or have set something up
with a teacher or staff member to supervise them.

We have rescheduled the BFA Experience, an open house style
event for any 7th or 8th grader and their family, interested in BFA, for 1/15 6-8pm.  

School Sing News and Announcements

Thanks to all of you who so generously have donated many items for the Humane
Society at School Sing over the past few months.  On December 7th, through
January 25th, we will be collecting for our local homeless shelter, Tim's House.
We are asking for the following items:

Personal Care Items - toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, liquid soap,
shampoo, small-sized deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, Q-tips, razors,
shaving cream, and hand sanitizer.

Other items - Liquid laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper,
Kleenex - both large boxes and individual packets.  

Thank you very much!  We hope to see you for a visit to our
weekly School Sing, which takes place on Friday mornings from about 8:45-9:10.
 Students and staff in grades K-3 attend each week, and the students enjoy having
their parents in the audience!
Lea Menkens - School Sing Chairperson

Dear SATEC Families,
    The CHAMP Community is excited to announce that we are sponsoring The Dee PT Great Diaper Drive (see backside for their informational flyer). We are asking SATEC families to donate diapers of any size and brand (even wipes and Pull-Ups). The diapers will go to COTS. We are collecting from now until Dec. 17th. We are hoping to exceed last year's amazing donation of just over 12,000 diapers! To date, the SATEC community has donated just over 20,000 diapers since joining this cause in 2015!
Collecting until December 17th
We are grateful for any donations that are made

Diapers can be left with your child’s homeroom teacher or dropped off to a CHAMP Community classroom. Donations  will be collected daily by CHAMP Community volunteers
Questions contact Laurie Ely @

Odyssey of the Mind's cookie dough fundraiser:  We have some extra
tubs of cookie dough still available.
The dough will be available to purchase first come/first serve on Dec 14
in the cafeteria from 3:30-5 (exact cash or check only).
To reserve a specific kind (pre-payment required) prior to that date,
email Lynn Tetreault @

Currently available flavors:

$16 tubs: (makes 40 cookies)
Peanut Butter-1
Oatmeal Raisin-4
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut-3
Caramel Pecan Chocolate Chip-3

$10 tubs: (makes 30 cookies)
Chunky Chocolate Chip-1
Peanut Butter-1
Oatmeal Raisin-2
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut-2

$16 preportioned Chunky Chocolate Chip-1