Sunday, March 31, 2019

Daily Announcements Monday April 1, 2019

Choice of:
Assorted Cereals, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola 
or Bagel
 w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Chicken Patty Sandwich
Crinkle Cut French Fries
Daily Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

It's Field Trip season, if you plan on being a chaperone or volunteer, please remember
to have completed your Background Check in advance. It needs to be done every year.
Just stop by one of the offices to fill out the form. Thank you  

If you're interested in applying for a scholarship to summer camp for your child 

St. Albans Recreation or Open Doors,
 please use the link below. This must be returned to Chauncey B. Warner Camperships,

 PO Box 535 St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1, 2019…/1cyb1hOOAT8g79q6Z-B-4jJvI-l…/edit…

After School Activities
3:30-4:30 5-8 Fitness Team
3:30-4:30 Drama Set Design
3:30-4:30 3/4 2Inspire Dance
3:30-5:30 4-8 Drama

Open Doors Summer Speciality Camp pre registrations.
SATEC Open Doors Summer Camps' are in the process of creating some fun and
unforgettable opportunities for our students. We are looking to see if we have the interest
in the camps listed below.
If you are interested in having your child attend these speciality camps please follow the link
provided to preregister.
*This is just a pre-registration, confirmation
and payment will be secured and collected if we have the interest
and at a later date.

Campers will dropped and picked off at SATEC each day.
Transportation and Supervision provided by Open Doors Summer Camps.
Free Lunch is provided by Abbey Summer Meals.
More details to come.
Community Sailing Center Specialty Camp

Week July 15th-19th (AM half day camp) Cost per Camper $200.00    
Ages 11-15 yrs old (6-8th grade - 9 AM-12 PM  Cap 6-10 campers

Ages 8-10 yrs old (3-5th grade) 9 AM- 12 PM Cap 6-10 campers

Week July 22nd- 26th ( AM half Day) Cost per camper $195.00-    

  • Ages 6-7 yrs old (1st & 2nd grade) 9 AM -12 Pm Cap 4-12 campers

Breakaway Farm Horse Day Camp - 

Week July 22nd- 26th Cost per camper $300.00 
  • Grades 1st-8th -  (9 AM- 3 PM) - Cap 10 campers

SATEC Allergy reminder
Several of our students have medically documented severe or life-threatening allergies.
To maintain a safe learning environment for these students, Allergen-Aware classrooms
and Allergen-Aware tables in the cafeteria are in place. If your student’s lunch/snack
contains allergens (nuts, shellfish), please remind them not to sit at a table designated
as Allergy-Aware, if they are in an Allergen-Aware classroom not to bring the allergen
into the classroom, and to practice good hand-washing after eating an allergen.
Thank you so much for your continued support in keeping our students safe.

Vermont Child Nutrition Programs:
Schools and sponsors are reminded that any family with a change in income may apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits<> at any time during the school year based on their most current income.
Contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700 or if you have any questions.

Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Daily Announcements Thursday March 28, 2019

Choice of:
Sausage & Cheese English Muffin, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola 
or Bagel
 w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

General Tso Chicken
Sesame Noodles
Asian Cabbage Salad
Fortune Cookie
Daily Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

A public presentation of SURVIVERMONT will be held:
Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

St. Albans City School Library 29 Bellows Street

Information click here

It's Field Trip season, if you plan on being a chaperone or volunteer, please remember
to have completed your Background Check in advance. It needs to be done every year.
Just stop by one of the offices to fill out the form. Thank you  

If you're interested in applying for a scholarship to summer camp for your child 

St. Albans Recreation or Open Doors,
 please use the link below. This must be returned to Chauncey B. Warner Camperships,

 PO Box 535 St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1, 2019…/1cyb1hOOAT8g79q6Z-B-4jJvI-l…/edit…

After School Activities
4:30-6:00 6-8 Volleyball
3:30-4:30 5-8 Fitness Team
3:30-5:45  Girls on the Run and Girls on Track

6:00-7:30 7/8 Baseball practice in the gym

Open Doors Summer Speciality Camp pre regristrations.
SATEC Open Doors Summer Camps' are in the process of creating some fun and
unforgettable opportunities for our students. We are looking to see if we have the intersest
in the camps listed below.
If you are interested in having your child attend these speciality camps please follow the link
provided to preregister.
*This is just a pre-registration, confirmation
and payment will besecured and collected if we have the interest
and at a later date.

Campers will dropped and picked off at SATEC each day.
Tansportation and Supervision provided by Open Doors Summer Camps.
Free Lunch is provided by Abbey Summer Meals.
More details to come.
Community Sailing Center Specialty Camp

Week July 15th-19th (AM half day camp) Cost per Camper $200.00    
Ages 11-15 yrs old (6-8th grade - 9 AM-12 PM  Cap 6-10 campers

Ages 8-10 yrs old (3-5th grade) 9 AM- 12 PM Cap 6-10 campers

Week July 22nd- 26th ( AM half Day) Cost per camper $195.00-    

  • Ages 6-7 yrs old (1st & 2nd grade) 9 AM -12 Pm Cap 4-12 campers

Breakaway Farm Horse Day Camp - 

Week July 22nd- 26th Cost per camper $300.00 
  • Grades 1st-8th -  (9 AM- 3 PM) - Cap 10 campers

SATEC Allergy reminder
Several of our students have medically documented severe or life-threatening allergies.
To maintain a safe learning environment for these students, Allergen-Aware classrooms
and Allergen-Aware tables in the cafeteria are in place. If your student’s lunch/snack
contains allergens (nuts, shellfish), please remind them not to sit at a table designated
as Allergy-Aware, if they are in an Allergen-Aware classroom not to bring the allergen
into the classroom, and to practice good hand-washing after eating an allergen.
Thank you so much for your continued support in keeping our students safe.

Vermont Child Nutrition Programs:
Schools and sponsors are reminded that any family with a change in income may apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits<> at any time during the school year based on their most current income.
Contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700 or if you have any questions.

Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Daily Announcements Wednesday March 27, 2019

Choice of:
Breakfast Round, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola 
or Bagel
 w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Hearty Chicken & Biscuits
Steamed Green Peas
Daily Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

A public presentation of SURVIVERMONT will be held:
Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

St. Albans City School Library 29 Bellows Street

Information click here

If you're interested in applying for a scholarship to summer camp for your child 

St. Albans Recreation or Open Doors,
 please use the link below. This must be returned to Chauncey B. Warner Camperships,

 PO Box 535 St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1, 2019…/1cyb1hOOAT8g79q6Z-B-4jJvI-l…/edit…

After School Activities 
3:30-4:45 5-8 2Inspire Dance
3:30-5:00 6-8 Volleyball

3:30-5:30 4-8 Drama

Open Doors Summer Speciality Camp pre regristrations.
SATEC Open Doors Summer Camps' are in the process of creating some fun and
unforgettable opportunities for our students. We are looking to see if we have the intersest
in the camps listed below.
If you are interested in having your child attend these speciality camps please follow the link
provided to preregister.
*This is just a pre-registration, confirmation
and payment will besecured and collected if we have the interest
and at a later date.

Campers will dropped and picked off at SATEC each day.
Tansportation and Supervision provided by Open Doors Summer Camps.
Free Lunch is provided by Abbey Summer Meals.
More details to come.
Community Sailing Center Specialty Camp

Week July 15th-19th (AM half day camp) Cost per Camper $200.00    
Ages 11-15 yrs old (6-8th grade - 9 AM-12 PM  Cap 6-10 campers

Ages 8-10 yrs old (3-5th grade) 9 AM- 12 PM Cap 6-10 campers

Week July 22nd- 26th ( AM half Day) Cost per camper $195.00-    

  • Ages 6-7 yrs old (1st & 2nd grade) 9 AM -12 Pm Cap 4-12 campers

Breakaway Farm Horse Day Camp - 

Week July 22nd- 26th Cost per camper $300.00 
  • Grades 1st-8th -  (9 AM- 3 PM) - Cap 10 campers

SATEC Allergy reminder
Several of our students have medically documented severe or life-threatening allergies.
To maintain a safe learning environment for these students, Allergen-Aware classrooms
and Allergen-Aware tables in the cafeteria are in place. If your student’s lunch/snack
contains allergens (nuts, shellfish), please remind them not to sit at a table designated
as Allergy-Aware, if they are in an Allergen-Aware classroom not to bring the allergen
into the classroom, and to practice good hand-washing after eating an allergen.
Thank you so much for your continued support in keeping our students safe.

Vermont Child Nutrition Programs:
Schools and sponsors are reminded that any family with a change in income may apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits<> at any time during the school year based on their most current income.
Contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700 or if you have any questions.

Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

Monday, March 25, 2019

Daily Announcements Tuesday March 26, 2019

Choice of:
Ham & Cheese Bagel, Hard boiled egg w/toast, Yogurt Cup w/Granola 
or Bagel
 w/Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk

Nachos Supreme
Rice Pilaf
Daily Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

Open House for students entering Kindergarten in the 2019-2020 school year
is tomorrow night, 3/26/19. 2 sessions 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM or 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM.
Please feel free to stop by anytime to pick up a registration packet,
meet the teachers and other staff, and tour the Kindergarten.

If you're interested in applying for a scholarship to summer camp for your child 

St. Albans Recreation or Open Doors

, please use the link below. This must be returned to Chauncey B. Warner Camperships,
 PO Box 535 St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1, 2019…/1cyb1hOOAT8g79q6Z-B-4jJvI-l…/edit…

Parents/Guardians of students in K - 4th grade  
Puppets in Education will be presenting at SATEC to students in Kindergarten through grade 4- on 
Tuesday, March 26, 2019.
K - Feelings     gr. 1 - Feelings    gr. 2 -  Medicine safety & bullying prevention
  gr. 3  - ADHD & bullying prevention      gr. 4 - ADHD & bullying prevention

Informational forms were sent home with students the week of March 18, 2019. 
 Keep the conversation going at home information will be sent home on the day of the presentations.  
If you have further questions, please contact Amy Ward, School Counselor 752-2683
After School Activities 
3:30-5:00 6-8 Volleyball
3:30-5:00 4-8 Drama  * This has been an add on rehearsal

Softball and Baseball Sign Ups for 7th and 8th graders are now open. 
Please go to the following links. 




SATEC Allergy reminder
Several of our students have medically documented severe or life-threatening allergies.
To maintain a safe learning environment for these students, Allergen-Aware classrooms
and Allergen-Aware tables in the cafeteria are in place. If your student’s lunch/snack
contains allergens (nuts, shellfish), please remind them not to sit at a table designated
as Allergy-Aware, if they are in an Allergen-Aware classroom not to bring the allergen
into the classroom, and to practice good hand-washing after eating an allergen.
Thank you so much for your continued support in keeping our students safe.

Vermont Child Nutrition Programs:
Schools and sponsors are reminded that any family with a change in income may apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits<> at any time during the school year based on their most current income.
Contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700 or if you have any questions.

Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Daily Announcements Monday March 25, 2019

No School Monday March 25-Teacher In Service

If you're interested in applying for a scholarship to summer camp for your child 
St. Albans Recreation or Open Doors
, please use the link below. This must be returned to Chauncey B. Warner Camperships,
 PO Box 535 St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1, 2019…/1cyb1hOOAT8g79q6Z-B-4jJvI-l…/edit…

Parents/Guardians of students in K - 4th grade  
Puppets in Education will be presenting at SATEC to students in Kindergarten through grade 4- on 
Tuesday, March 26, 2019.
K - Feelings     gr. 1 - Feelings    gr. 2 -  Medicine safety & bullying prevention   gr. 3  - ADHD & bullying prevention      gr. 4 - ADHD & bullying prevention

Informational forms were sent home with students the week of March 18, 2019. 
 Keep the conversation going at home information will be sent home on the day of the presentations.  
If you have further questions, please contact Amy Ward, School Counselor 752-2683
After School Activities 

Softball and Baseball Sign Ups for 7th and 8th graders are now open. 
Please go to the following links. 




SATEC Allergy reminder
Several of our students have medically documented severe or life-threatening allergies.
To maintain a safe learning environment for these students, Allergen-Aware classrooms
and Allergen-Aware tables in the cafeteria are in place. If your student’s lunch/snack
contains allergens (nuts, shellfish), please remind them not to sit at a table designated
as Allergy-Aware, if they are in an Allergen-Aware classroom not to bring the allergen
into the classroom, and to practice good hand-washing after eating an allergen.
Thank you so much for your continued support in keeping our students safe.

Vermont Child Nutrition Programs:
Schools and sponsors are reminded that any family with a change in income may apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits<> at any time during the school year based on their most current income.
Contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700 or if you have any questions.

Maple Run School Transfer application and information have been posted
Image may contain: text