August 27, 2013
Dear SATEC Families,
We are looking forward to starting our first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th. We would like to welcome new families and students and we will be glad to see all our returning students! We have a couple of items we would like to share with you as we begin our year.
To increase our communication we have created a Blog and a business Facebook page. Both can be accessed from our home page: Once on our Blog page you will see a space on the top right with the text: “follow us by e-mail”. If you type in your e-mail address you will receive daily information via e-mail about events, student activities, and school functions. We will be using our Facebook page for less detailed announcements about school activities, including Athletic and Open Doors events.
We will be sending home a paper Newsletter with students on Friday, August 30th. This will be the last paper communication we will be sending home, unless you contact us to let us know that you need a paper copy of Newsletters. We will be posting Newsletters to our Blog.
If you have any questions, please stop in or give us a call at 527-7191.
Wishing all our students a fantastic school year!
Angela Stebbins
Jason Therrien
Assistant Principal