Hot Turkey Sandwich with Gravy, Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza
Report Cards:
First Semester Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, February 3rd. We have experienced some technical difficulties in our transition to a new report card and we needed an additional day to work out some of the issues. We appreciate your patience as we transition to our new report card.
Fine Arts Announcement:
Chorus Concert – Friday, January 31, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the SATEC gym
Student performers should arrive by 6:00pm and report to the Kiva.
Music Through the Decades
Third/Fourth Grade Chorus
Fifth/Sixth Grade Chorus
Seventh/ Eighth Grade Chorus
All Practices for Basketball will be cancelled for this event.
After school Activities for January 31st
Open Doors:
3:30-4:30 1-3 Yoga Fun
Home Games:
There are no home games scheduled for today.
Away Games:
There are no away games scheduled for today.
There are no practices tonight.