Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thursday, March 20th

Chicken Fajitas, Chicken Sauteed Onions & Peppers, Soft Flour Tortilla, Salsa, Cabot Sour Cream, Rice Pilaf, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Reminder: There  is no school Friday for parent conferences.

Safe Routes to Schools:
SATEC had a great first Safe Routes to Schools Meeting on Monday.  The focus of our work included creating a travel plan so that more students can safely walk and bike to school.  There are many benefits of having students walk and bike to school.  Our committee discussed our vision for the program, how to encourage students to walk or bike to school, as well as education and communication.  Our next steps involve reviewing the possible adjustment of dismissal times to provide incentives for students who walk or bike to school and creating a travel plan to promote safe student walking or biking to school.  
We need your help.  We are asking parents to complete an online survey to help us gather your thoughts about children walking and biking to school.  The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete.  The link can be found below:
In addition, if you are interested in serving on our committee please contact Angela Stebbins ( or Derek Madden (

After school Activities for March 20th
Open Doors:
3:30-4:30  6-8 Fitness Team/Insanity Fit,  Gym
3:30-5:00  1-4 For the Art of Recycling, *Students will meet in the cafeteria
3:30-5:00  5-8 Archery  Pelkey’s Archery
3:30-5:00   5-8 Iron Chef,  Kitchen
3:30-5:00   2-4 Martial Arts,  Cafeteria