Dress your Own Hot Dog on a Bun, French Fries, Baked Beans, Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, and Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly , Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza
Summer Camp!
Open Doors Summer Camp Brochures have been distributed to homerooms for grades K-7. Come be a part of the summer fun with the best quality programs for the best price around! Please contact Ms. Rose or 527-7191 ext. 321 with any questions!
After school Activities for June 2nd:
Open Doors:
3:30-4:30 Fun with Games, Students will meet in the cafeteria
3:30-5:00 Legos and Literature, Students will board bus #149 at dismissal
3:30-5:00 Project Graduation, Students will report Mrs. Bates’ Art room
3:30-5:00 2Inspire Dance (5-8), Students will meet in the cafeteria
* Make up Baseball game on Monday, June 2nd @ Georgia 4:15
Bus leaves at Dismissal
8th Grade Athletic Banquet SATEC Students-Athletes who participated in sports during the 2013-2014 year and their immediate family are invited to the annual 8th Grade Athletic Banquet on Tuesday, June 10th at 6:30 p.m. The SATEC Athletic department will be hosting a complimentary BBQ outside near our pavilion (weather permitting) or cafeteria.
Student Athletes will be recognized by their coaches for their participation and will be receiving their certificates and pins.
We are trying to go paperless for this event, therefore we will not be sending invitations in the mail.
PLEASE RSVP by signing up online. Click on the link provided.