Thursday, August 28, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

French Toast Sticks w/Warm Syrup
Scrambled Eggs
Sweet & White Home Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
Fresh Milk

Are you interested in being involved in your child’s classroom at SATEC? The SATEC Four Winds Nature Program is a great way to share a love of science and nature with your child in their classroom. A SATEC Four Winds Nature Program volunteer does not require a science degree or a teaching certification; just an interest in learning, sharing and being involved in your child’s classroom. Volunteers are supplied with all the materials and trained for each lesson.

During the 2014-2015 school year the SATEC Four Winds Nature Program will be studying
Patterns in Nature with 5 units:
All sorts of Insects Animal Disguise/Surprise
Tracks Snow Nests

To find out more about Four Winds Nature Program at SATEC, please email the coordinators listed below.

Lynn Tetreault & Aimee Laferriere
SATEC Four Wind Coordinators

**** We are still in need of volunteers for the following classes/communities in order for
this great program to be presented in the following classrooms (although all volunteers are welcome for any classroom):
-Kindergarten- Callahan, Lovejoy, Pepe and Pelkey -Leahy/McAdoo (5th)
-Boomhover/Duplissa (1st) -Calcagni/Lamson (3rd)

What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?

It is an international competition that allows students to use creativity and “out of
the box” problem solving to create solutions to a problem. The open ended problems allow teams to create wildly different solutions while having fun in the process. The teams are given the chance to present their solutions at a state wide tournament held in March. To find out more information and the problems for this year please click on this link: .

Pack 874 Recruitment & Information Night!
When: September 5th, 2014, 6:45pm-7:45pm
Where: St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 11 Church St., St. Albans, VT
Who: Boys in grades 1-5 interested in joining or finding out about Cub Scouts
Fees: One time $24.00 to register plus uniform costs (checks payable to Cub Scout Pack 874).
Contact: email Casey Tatro @ with questions

Kindergarten Orientation, Friday, August 29th
Parents have been invited to either AM (9:00-11:15) or PM (12:30-2:45) session.  Please check with your child’s teacher if you are not sure of your assigned session.

First full day of Kindergarten is September 2, 2014.

After school Activities for August 29:
Open Doors:
There are no Open Doors activities today.

SATEC Fall Sports Information

SATEC Annual Pre-Season Soccer Clinic
August 29th,
(Please call or email if your child will be attending.)
5-8 Girls 3:30-5:00 (Students athletes will start after school)
5-8 Boys 5:00-6:30 (Student athletes must go home and return)

We are still looking to fill the following Soccer Coaching position.
5/6 Boys (1 position)
Please contact Rose Bedard with interest 752-2703.

Middle School Fall Soccer official starts on Tuesday, September 2nd.