Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Chicken Parmesan Sandwich on Toasted Wheat Roll
Apple Cole Slaw
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
Fresh Milk

5/6 Girls White (F3)

Changes for 9/22
8 Girls and 8 Boys @ Fairfield has been cancelled
We will host Fairfield on Friday, the 26th 4:00

8 Girls will practice with the BFA JV Girls Soccer team on Monday the 22nd at 4:30 at the Complex

5/6 Girls Green and 5/6 Boys White games against Fairfield have been cancelled

5/6 Boys White will have practice instead 3:30-5:00 (F3)

5/6 Girls White (F3)  and 5/6 Girls Green (F2)  will have practice from 5:15-6:30

5:30-7:00 7 Girls (F1)

St. Albans Raid Celebration Information:
Below is a link to the schedule of events for this weekend's celebration.
Some highlights are: military re-enactors' camp in Taylor Park (being set up about 2:00pm on Friday), Cavalry drill at Houghton Park at 10am Sat. and Sun., children's games in Taylor Park from 10-2 both Sat. and Sun., and the St. Albans Chorus at 4pm in the park on Sat.  The reenactment of the Raid is scheduled for 2pm on Sat. and 1pm on Sun.

Hopefully some of our students will get a chance to attend some of the events and learn something new this weekend!