Nachos Supreme-Seasoned Taco Meat, Cheese Sauce, Salsa, Lettuce & Corn Tortilla Chips
Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
Do you have extra unwanted uncarved pumpkins, especially pie pumpkins, please bring them to Taylor Park this Saturday between 10:00 – 2:00. The Food Shelf, Seeds for Growth and other local businesses will be turning them into, soup, breads, butter and other food for the Food Shelf. Thank you!
We had another great walking Wednesday on the 29th! Many students walked despite the damp weather.
Open Doors
3:30-4:30 Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
3/4 Intramural Sports
3:30-5:00 Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
5-8 Cooking with Mrs. King
3:30-5:00 2-4 Wild Child Work Out
*Students need to board bus #6 at dismissal to be transported to the “Train Station.”
Pick up will be at the “Train Station” (Formerly known at the The Fitness Zone) at 5:00
3:30-5:00 5-8 Archery
Students will need to board bus # 10 at dismissal to be transported to Pelkey’s Archery.
Students will be brought back to SATEC for a 5:00 dismissal.
Athletics 3:30-4:45
3/4 Basketball
Students will meet in the Locker Room hallway at dismissal
5-8 Winter Sports Coaching Positions Available
We are still looking to fill the following coaching positions.
5/6 Boys Basketball
7th Grade Girls Basketball
Cheerleading/Spirit Squad