Taco Bar w/Soft Shell - Seasoned Taco Meat, Mozz. Cheese, Sour Cream, Salsa, Lettuce , Salsa & Soft Flour Tortilla
Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup
After school Activities for Tuesday March 15, 2016
All students can meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.
3/4 Maple Festival Art
7/8 Maple Festival Art
7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
5-8 Cooking with Mrs. King
5-8 Scratch Program
Warner Home Scholarship for Open Doors Summer Camps.
Open Doors will be offering four weeks of summer opportunities starting the week of June 26th and ending the week of July 24th (dates are tentative and there will be no camp the week of July 4th.)
We unfortunately will not be offering scholarships this year so we encourage parents/guardian to apply for the Warner Home Scholarship that is linked below.
Camp prices will vary from $145 local day and speciality camps to $200 for destination camps.
The deadline for the scholarship is April 1st.
Softball and Baseball
Those who signed for Softball and Baseball must have all up to date paperwork and proof of physical in order to participate. Please see Ms. Rose with any questions or concerns.
Baseball will begin on Tuesday, March 22nd 5:00-6:30 in the gym
Softball will begin on Monday, March 28th 6:30-7:45 in the gym
A full season schedule will be handed out to players this week.