Friday, April 29, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Parent/teacher Conferences
School will be closed on Monday, May 2, 2016 for Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please visit to schedule your appoinment.

After School Activities for Monday, May 2, 2016

Baseball only hosts Grand Isle 4:30

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016

Grilled Cheese
Chicken Noodle Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar

SBAC Information:
SATEC students have begun the process of participating in the SBAC annual assessment. The SBAC assessment is given each spring to all students in grades 3-8. This assessment is completed online. There are three main components of the SBAC assessment in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math:

1) Computer Adaptive Tasks (CAT) - In this portion of the test students answer a series of multiple choice or extended response questions. Correct answers will increase the level of difficulty for future questions and incorrect responses will decrease the level of difficulty for future questions until an accurate level of the student’s performance can be determined.

2) Classroom Activity - In this portion of the assessment the students will participate in a short (30 min) classroom activity. Students will use the information that they get from this lesson in the Performance Task.

3) Performance Task - It is in this section of the testing that students respond in a more complex way to a common topic. Often times the performance task will require longer constructed responses that use the background information from the Classroom Activity. Typically, in math students will be asked to solve real world problems and in ELA students will be asked to blend research with writing to persuade or inform/explain a position or point of view.

Upcoming SBAC Assessment Sessions:
April 29th
6th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 Performance Task ELA

Parent/teacher Conferences
School will be closed on Monday, May 2, 2016 for Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please visit to schedule your appoinment.

After School Activities for Friday, April 29, 2016
There are no after school activities scheduled for today.

Softball and Baseball At BFA Fairfax 5:00
No transportation is provided.

SATEC’s  K-4 “Someone Special Dance” is tonight!  
5:30-7:00 p.m. in our SATEC cafeteria.
Admission is $10.00 for your "special someone" and you
$2.00 for any additional guest

Student Council is hosting a7/8 Dance “It’s a Spring Thing” tonight 7:30-9:30 SATEC cafeteria.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Taco Bar w/Soft Shell Tortilla- Seasoned Taco Meat, Mozz. Cheese, Lettuce, Salsa
Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

Parent/teacher Conferences
School will be closed on Monday, May 2, 2016 for Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please visit to schedule your appoinment.

SATEC receives community health and safety award April 2016

SATEC staff participated in a “Point of Distribution Drill” on Friday, April 15th during our in-service time.  This drill was organized and conducted by the Department of Health. Judy Ashley and Chad Spooner from the Department of Health presented us this this certificate of appreciation for our support and participation in this community emergency planning event.

SBAC Information:
SATEC students have begun the process of participating in the SBAC annual assessment. The SBAC assessment is given each spring to all students in grades 3-8. This assessment is completed online. There are three main components of the SBAC assessment in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math:

1) Computer Adaptive Tasks (CAT) - In this portion of the test students answer a series of multiple choice or extended response questions. Correct answers will increase the level of difficulty for future questions and incorrect responses will decrease the level of difficulty for future questions until an accurate level of the student’s performance can be determined.

2) Classroom Activity - In this portion of the assessment the students will participate in a short (30 min) classroom activity. Students will use the information that they get from this lesson in the Performance Task.

3) Performance Task - It is in this section of the testing that students respond in a more complex way to a common topic. Often times the performance task will require longer constructed responses that use the background information from the Classroom Activity. Typically, in math students will be asked to solve real world problems and in ELA students will be asked to blend research with writing to persuade or inform/explain a position or point of view.

Upcoming SBAC Assessment Sessions:
April 28th
4th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
4th gr. 12:45-2:15 Performance Task ELA
8th gr. 9:00-9:30 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  Performance Task ELA
3rd gr. 10:00-10:30 Classroom Activity ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task ELA
6th gr. 10:00-11:00 Performance Task Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT ELA

April 29th
6th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 Performance Task ELA

Dash & Dot arrive at St Albans Town Educational Center

What happens when you hand a group of 6th graders two iPads and two robots (still in their boxes) and tell them to see what they can figure out? Thanks to the Vermont Robot Rodeo we got to find out!

After School Activities for Thursday, April 28, 2016

6-8 Heart and Sole

Open Doors final session will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd.

SATEC’s  K-4 “Someone Special Dance”
We invite you to our 3rd Annual Someone Special Dance.
Friday, April 29th 5:30-7:00 p.m. in our SATEC cafeteria.
Admission is $10.00 for your "special someone" and you
$2.00 for any additional guest
All children must accompanied by an adult
Music and Photobooth entertainment provided by Jaz-E entertainment.
SATEC's Heart and Sole program will be hosting a bake sale

There are no athletics scheduled for today

2016 Yearbooks will be on sale for $18.00 until April 29th.
Students in grades K-8  will receive an order form in their homerooms or  can order online at Yearbooks will be sold for $20.00 after April 29th.

It’s a Spring Thing!
Student Council will be hosting a 7/8 Dance this Friday 7:30-9:30
Cost is $2.00 admission
There will be a photo booth  for $2.oo and concessions for purchase.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cheesy Breadsticks w/Marinara Sauce
Corn, Potato & Cauliflower Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar

SBAC Information:
SATEC students have begun the process of participating in the SBAC annual assessment. The SBAC assessment is given each spring to all students in grades 3-8. This assessment is completed online. There are three main components of the SBAC assessment in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math:

1) Computer Adaptive Tasks (CAT) - In this portion of the test students answer a series of multiple choice or extended response questions. Correct answers will increase the level of difficulty for future questions and incorrect responses will decrease the level of difficulty for future questions until an accurate level of the student’s performance can be determined.

2) Classroom Activity - In this portion of the assessment the students will participate in a short (30 min) classroom activity. Students will use the information that they get from this lesson in the Performance Task.

3) Performance Task - It is in this section of the testing that students respond in a more complex way to a common topic. Often times the performance task will require longer constructed responses that use the background information from the Classroom Activity. Typically, in math students will be asked to solve real world problems and in ELA students will be asked to blend research with writing to persuade or inform/explain a position or point of view.

Upcoming SBAC Assessment Sessions:

April 27th
4th gr. 8:30-10:00 Performance Task Math
4th 12:45-2:15 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 2:40-3:10 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 9:00-10:30 Performance Task Math
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  CAT ELA
6th gr. 1:45-2:15 Classroom Activity Math

April 28th
4th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
4th gr. 12:45-2:15 Performance Task ELA
8th gr. 9:00-9:30 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  Performance Task ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task ELA
6th gr. 10:00-11:00 Performance Task Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT ELA

April 29th
6th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 Performance Task ELA

Parent/Teacher Conferences:
The Pick A Time link for scheduling parent conferences is now open.  If you have questions or need help with the scheduling contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700.  There will be no school on May 2nd for parent conferences.

After School Activities for Wednesday, April 27, 2016

5-8 Fit Team

5/6 2INSPIRE Dance

Open Doors final session will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd.
We still have openings in Pokemon, Fashion Design, and  Audrinos.

SATEC’s  K-4 “Someone Special Dance”
We invite you to our 3rd Annual Someone Special Dance.
Friday, April 29th 5:30-7:00 p.m. in our SATEC cafeteria.
Admission is $10.00 for your "special someone" and you
$2.00 for any additional guest
All children must accompanied by an adult
Music and Photobooth entertainment provided by Jaz-E entertainment.
SATEC's Heart and Sole program will be hosting a bake sale

3:30-5:00 Baseball

6:00-7:30 Softball  

Monday, April 25, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spaghetti w Meat or Marinara Sauce
Garlic Breadstick
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

SBAC Information:
SATEC students have begun the process of participating in the SBAC annual assessment. The SBAC assessment is given each spring to all students in grades 3-8. This assessment is completed online. There are three main components of the SBAC assessment in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math:

1) Computer Adaptive Tasks (CAT) - In this portion of the test students answer a series of multiple choice or extended response questions. Correct answers will increase the level of difficulty for future questions and incorrect responses will decrease the level of difficulty for future questions until an accurate level of the student’s performance can be determined.

2) Classroom Activity - In this portion of the assessment the students will participate in a short (30 min) classroom activity. Students will use the information that they get from this lesson in the Performance Task.

3) Performance Task - It is in this section of the testing that students respond in a more complex way to a common topic. Often times the performance task will require longer constructed responses that use the background information from the Classroom Activity. Typically, in math students will be asked to solve real world problems and in ELA students will be asked to blend research with writing to persuade or inform/explain a position or point of view.

Upcoming SBAC Assessment Sessions:
April 26th
4th gr. 8:30-10:00 CAT Math
4th gr. 12:45-1:15 Classroom Activity Math
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task Math
8th gr. 9:00-10:30 CAT Math
8th gr. 1:00-1:30 Classroom Activity Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT Math

April 27th
4th gr. 8:30-10:00 Performance Task Math
4th 12:45-2:15 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 2:40-3:10 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 9:00-10:30 Performance Task Math
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  CAT ELA
6th gr. 1:45-2:15 Classroom Activity Math

April 28th
4th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
4th gr. 12:45-2:15 Performance Task ELA
8th gr. 9:00-9:30 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  Performance Task ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task ELA
6th gr. 10:00-11:00 Performance Task Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT ELA

April 29th
6th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 Performance Task ELA

Parent/Teacher Conferences:
The Pick A Time link for scheduling parent conferences is now open.  If you have questions or need help with the scheduling contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700.  There will be no school on May 2nd for parent conferences.

After School Activities for April 26th

3-5 Girls on the Run

7/8 2INSPIRE Dance

Open Doors final session will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd.
We still have openings in Pokemon, Fashion Design, and  Audrinos.

SATEC’s  K-4 “Someone Special Dance”
We invite you to our 3rd Annual Someone Special Dance.
Friday, April 29th 5:30-7:00 p.m. in our SATEC cafeteria.
Admission is $10.00 for your "special someone" and you
$2.00 for any additional guest
All children must accompanied by an adult
Music and Photobooth entertainment provided by Jaz-E entertainment.
SATEC's Heart and Sole program will be hosting a bake sale

3:30-5:00 Baseball (Weather Permitting)
6:30-8:00 Softball  (Weather Permitting)

2016 Yearbooks will be on sale for $18.00 until April 29th.
Students in grades K-8  will receive an order form in their homerooms or  can order online at Yearbooks will be sold for $20.00 after April 29th.

It’s a Spring Thing!
Student Council will be hosting a 7/8 Dance this Friday 7:30-9:30
Cost is $2.00 admission
There will be a photo booth and concessions.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Dress your Own Hot Dog
Oven Baked French Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup

April 25th
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 CAT Math
3rd gr. 2:40-3:10 Classroom Activity Math

April 26th
4th gr. 8:30-10:00 CAT Math
4th gr. 12:45-1:15 Classroom Activity Math
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task Math
8th gr. 9:00-10:30 CAT Math
8th gr. 1:00-1:30 Classroom Activity Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT Math

April 27th
4th gr. 8:30-10:00 Performance Task Math
4th 12:45-2:15 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 CAT ELA
3rd gr. 2:40-3:10 Classroom Activity ELA
8th gr. 9:00-10:30 Performance Task Math
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  CAT ELA
6th gr. 1:45-2:15 Classroom Activity Math

April 28th
4th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
4th gr. 12:45-2:15 Performance Task ELA
8th gr. 8:30-9:00 CAT ELA
8th gr. 1:00-2:30  Performance Task ELA
3rd gr. 12:00-1:30 Performance Task ELA
6th gr. 10:00-11:00 Performance Task Math
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 CAT ELA

April 29th
6th gr. 8:30-9:00 Classroom Activity ELA
6th gr. 1:40-3:10 Performance Task ELA

Parent/Teacher Conferences:
The Pick A Time link for scheduling parent conferences is now open.  If you have questions or need help with the scheduling contact Tammy Deso at 752-2700.  There will be no school on May 2nd for parent conferences.

After School Activities for Monday, April 25th

5-8 Fitness Team
3/4 2INSPIRE Dance
5-8 Homework Lab

Open Doors final session will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd.
We still have openings in Pokemon, Fashion Design, and  Audrinos.

SATEC’s  K-4 “Someone Special Dance”
We invite you to our 3rd Annual Someone Special Dance.
Friday, April 29th 5:30-7:00 p.m. in our SATEC cafeteria.
Admission is $10.00 for your "special someone" and you
$2.00 for any additional guest
All children must accompanied by an adult
Music and Photobooth entertainment provided by Jaz-E entertainment.
SATEC's Heart and Sole program will be hosting a bake sale

Softball and Baseball host Fairfax 4:00

*A reminder that you in order to stay after school to watch the games you must be accompanied by an adult.

2016 Yearbooks will be on sale for $18.00 until April 29th.
Students in grades K-8  will receive an order form in their homerooms or  can order online at Yearbooks will be sold for $20.00 after April 29th.

It’s a Spring Thing!
Student Council will be hosting a 7/8 Dance this Friday 7:30-9:30
Cost is $2.00 admission

There will be a photo booth and concessions.