Monday, October 16, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvest Fest Shepherd’s Pie w/Local Potatoes Roasted Local Root Vegetables Dinner Roll Harvest
Fruit & Veg Bar

School will be closed Thursday, October 19th
for Teachers Inservice and Friday, October 20th

Parent Teacher Conferences - Pick A Time will become accessible on October 17th to schedule your Parent/Teacher Conference. Parent/Teacher conference window will be from November 1st-November 3rd. Please use the link and click on the Pick A Time link in the “For Parents” section in the menu. If you do not have internet access or need additional help setting up your conference, please call Tammy Deso 752-2700.

Book Fair is coming to SATEC November 6th-November 10th
November 6th 8:00am-7:00pm
November 7th 8:00am-7:00pm
November 8th 8:00am-7:00pm
November 9th 8:00am-6:30pm
November 10th 8:00am-6:00pm

Vision and hearing screening will be done 10/13 - 10/18.  If your child wears glasses, please make sure to send them with glasses on these days.

How to help your child with anxiety/big emotions.
Workshop for Parents with students in Grades 1 - 4
Presented by Amy Ward, School Counselor
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
6:30 - 7:30 pm
SATEC Library

Open Doors After School ProgramsPumpkins - Free pictures on Pixabay
“No carve painting and decorating” workshop
For $10.00 students in grades K-4 can sign up to paint and
decorate a pumpkin. Pumpkins, materials and instructions are provided.Students can sign up through a brochures will be given out in their homerooms. Filled out forms will be brought back to Ms. Rose.

We still have room in the following workshops.
October 23rd 3:30-4:30            October 25th 3:30-4:30

Students can take their pumpkin home or enter it into a competition that will take place during SATEC’s “A Night of Fright” on October 27th.

After School Today
5/6 Girls Green host Sheldon 4:00 (F2)
8 Girls host Sheldon 4:00 (F3)
8 Boys Greenhost Sheldon 5:00 (F2)
5/6 Boys Green host Sheldon 5:00 (F3)

Cross Country will hosts a meet today.
Race time is at 4:15

Due to the meet 5/6 Boys White practice has been cancelled

This is our last week of soccer October 23rd-27th
Uniform hand in
Please return uniform and shorts (unless you purchased) washed folded in a plastic zip-loc bag, with name clearly labeled

Open Doors After School programs will begin on October 23rd
We still have openings in the following classes.
Y.O- Y.O After School Mentoring,
2Inspire Dance, Intramural Sports
Now available to 4th graders Steam Heroes, and Knitting for Neighbors!

Magic the Gathering, Knitting for Neighbors, Recycled Art, Archery, Steam Heroes,
Please contact After School Programs Coordinator, Rose Bedard or 802-752-2703 to get signed up.

This is our last week of soccer October 23rd-27th
Uniform hand in

Please return uniform and shorts (unless you purchased) washed folded in a plastic zip-loc bag, with name clearly labeled