Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Healthy Whole Grain Breakfast Round or Bagel w/ Cream Cheese
Fresh Fruit

Valentines Day BBQ Pork Sandwich
Creamy Coleslaw
Valentines Dessert
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

MRUSD Elementary School Transfer Program Now Accepting Applications for 2018-2019

If you are interested in having your child take part in the program, please obtain an application and program description from http://www.maplerun.org/o/mrusd/browse/11336.  Complete the form and return it to the address on the form by March 15, 2018.  You may also request the form from the Superintendent’s Office at 28 Catherine St. in St. Albans (802-524-2600 X11).  If more than the allowable number of students apply and there are limited openings, a lottery system will be utilized to determine the students who may transfer.  Please note that on July 19, 2017, the MRUSD Board approved a motion to expand the Elementary Student Transfer Program to allow children of district employees who live in the district to apply for transfer and it will not count against the quota.


Kevin Dirth
Superintendent of Schools

Attention to all parents with 1st and 2nd grade students. I am looking forward to the wonderful night of art and music next Thursday, the 15th. Please remember, all students should aim to be in their classrooms at 5:30, with their concert to start at 6:00. Students should try to be dressed in concert attire. I will challenge them to try and dress nicer than I am!
Mr. Barsumian

Following the concert, please feel free to peruse the artwork created by your children.

After School Activities
3:30-5:00 SATEC Drama
3:30-4:45  5-8 Cooking with Mrs. King.

Basketball and Cheer
3:30-5:00  5/6 Boys White
5:30-7:00 Cheer practice

February 19-22nd is SATEC’s Spirit Week
“America  Monday” Dress in red, white, blue, stars and stripes!
“Dress Alike Tuesday” Find a staff member, teacher classmate or friend and dress alike. The more people you get involved the more points you earn!
“ Wacky Wednesday” Wacky Hair, Mismatched clothes, How wacky can we make this day?
“Theme Thursday”  Each Learning Community will decide on what to theme to represent that day.
Friday, “Class Color Day”
8th wear black
7th and 3rd wear yellow
6th and 2nd wear red
5th and 1st wear blue
4th and Kindergarten wear green

Paws-itive Pies for PBIS!  School Wide Coin Challenge
In place of the Penny War, will be hosting a coin challenge.
Each Grade will have the opportunity to bring in silver coins starting Tuesday, February 13th through the 22nd.
The top two grades (one grade from K-4 and one grade 5-8) that have the most amount of money raised will get the chance to put a pie in their teachers’ or staff members that works with in the grade face during our spirit assembly on Friday the 19th.  Teachers and students will be drawn that day. All the money raised will go towards PBIS celebrations! Each Grade will have the opportunity to bring in silver coins starting Tuesday, February 13th through the 22nd.

Yearbook Announcement for parents of a 8th grade student.
This year’s yearbook committee has decided to continue the tradition of displaying pictures of the 8th grade class in the “younger years.”   Parents will have until February 22nd to submit a photo. Photos can be brought to Ms. Rose in an envelope stating the first and last name and if you want the picture returned back to you. Please make sure you identify the photo.
        Our deadline is around the corner, therefore, we will not be accepting anything past the due date of February 22nd. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Jennette, Ms. Rose, or a yearbook staff member.