Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Daily Announcements: Thurs., March 4th ~ In-Person PK-6 and Green Group 7th and 8th


In-Person Classes at SATEC are Resuming Thursday, March 4th for All PK-6th Grade Students and 7th & 8th Grade Students in the Green Group

Thursday, March 4th, 2021-This is a Green day

Menu for week of March 1st-5th


No School-

Winter Break


No School-

Town Meeting Day






Sausage & Cheese English Muffin

Assorted 100% Juice

Milk Variety


WG Bagel

Cream Cheese

Assorted 100% Juice

Milk Variety


Homemade Shepherd’s Pie (Ground Beef, Corn & Mashed Potato)

Dinner Roll

Steamed Carrots

Milk Variety


Deli Turkey Sandwich

Fresh Fruit

Milk Variety



WG Croissant

Grape Jelly

Chilled Applesauce

Milk Variety


WG Bagel

Cream Cheese

Chilled Applesauce

Milk Variety


Sweet & Sour Chicken

Rice Pilaf

Broccoli Salad

Fresh Pineapple

Milk Variety


Deli Turkey Sandwich

Veggie Sticks


Milk Variety

Reminder to families for P-EBT
Please return the completed Meal Application to Tammy Deso. If any questions please contact her at 752-2700 or

MRUSD Dr. Joelle van Lent Family Presentation
March 16, 2021 6:00pm

There is hope on the horizon and yet we remain very much in the midst of coping with the stress of the pandemic. Join us for a conversation with Dr. Joelle van Lent focused on the well-being of our children and ourselves as we continue to navigate this unique school year. Joelle will offer insights and strategies related to coping with ambiguous loss, rebalancing routines, and self-compassion.

The Maple Run Unified School District will be holding another Dr. Joelle van Lent family presentation. This will be March 16, 2021 at 6:00pm. Please use this link to request an invitation.

Warner Home Scholarship Information

The Warner Home for Little Wanderers offers financial assistance for summer camps and activities for lower income children in Franklin County. Families must mail completed and signed applications to P.O. Box 535, St. Albans, VT 05478 by April 1st. Please contact Amy Ward ( - 7520-2683) or Erica DeBellis ( - 752- ) if you have any questions!

Please use this link to access the Little Wanderers Summer Campership Grant Application. Click Here

SATEC Athletics:

Thursday, March 4th

3:45-5:00 - 7th/8th Girls

Players are allowed to stay after school but must wait until their coaches arrive to enter the gym. If you are a regular bus rider, you must send in a note to stay after school.