Thursday, November 18, 2021
Lunch Menu week of 11/15 Please Remember that there is no fee for Breakfast and Lunch again this year. We do ask however that you still complete the Free and Reduced Meals Application as that eligibility also is used for the P-EBT Program.
Operation Happiness Food Drive at SATEC
Test to Stay Information
The Test-to-Stay program is for unvaccinated students that are required to quarantine due to school exposure ONLY. If you have not received communication from your child’s school to quarantine due to school exposure, your child is not eligible for this program. If your child has COVID symptoms they should not participate in this program, because they should not attend school with symptoms.
The 7 day Test to Stay Program replaces the need for a PCR test on day 7. If you choose to not participate in Test to Stay then students will need a PCR test on day 7 to exit their quarantine and return to school.
There are 2 steps to signing up for this testing, consent to the testing and the reporting system. You must complete BOTH registrations in order to participate. Please visit the following links to register: Consent Form & Reporting System.
The Test-to-Stay program is being conducted behind the Maple Run District Office building on Market Street from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. on school days.
Students participating in the program must test daily for 7 days in order to attend school.
If students that have a day 7 falls on a non-school day they will need to test on the next school day to exit their required quarantine
If you have any questions please contact Aron Smith, (802) 370-3941 or Check out our Facebook page for some pictures and other news/events.
After School Activities and Athletics
Magic the Gathering Begins this week.
Thursday, November 18th 3:30-4:30
Registered participants will meet in Mr. Goodland’s room in C-North
All players should enter the gym through the side entrance for practices. Players and coaches will need to wear masks during practice per the guidelines emailed out from the Superintendent.
Practices Week of 11/15-11/19
Thursday, 11/18
5th and 6th Grade Boys- Off
7th Grade Boys - Off
8th Grade Boys - 3:45-5:15
5th and 6th Grade Girls -Off
7th/8th Grade Girls - Off
Friday, 11/19
No Practices
Basketball Week of 11/22
There will be no Practices the week of 11/22