Friday, Sept. 23rd- Dismissal Begins at 2:55
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Reminder to families: ALL STUDENTS are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunches through the rest of the school year.
Please continue to submit applications for Free and Reduced meals as eligibility for this program will assist with the VT-State P-EBT funding for eligible students.
For a paper application or for questions please reach out to Tammy Deso, Free and Reduced Meals Application Verification Officer: and 802-752-2700
SATEC Important Dates Sept and Oct.
September 28, 2022 K-2 Open House, 4:30-5:15pm
3-5 Open House 5:15-6:00pm
**New** Oct. 6th & 7th School Picture Day - Packets and Schedule Available end of Sept.
October 20th 4pm Fall Concert- Outdoors
October 21st 6pm 7th/8th Dance/Rec Night
October 28th 4-6pm 5th/6th Dance/Rec Night
Any prescription AND non-prescription medication needed at school MUST be dropped off by an adult. Students are not allowed to carry medications in their backpack!
*If your child needs medication at school and it is a prescription medication, we are required to have a note from the Doctor before giving the medication to your child.
**If your child has asthma, we need an updated asthma plan every year, and an inhaler needs to be delivered to school by an adult. If the Health care Provider has allowed your child to carry and administer the inhaler on their own, it will need to be in writing and discussed with the health office.
FYI: We do keep acetaminophen (ex. Tylenol, ibuprofen (ex. Motrin, Advil), Benadryl, TUMS/Rolaids, anti-itch cream, and cough drops in the health office. If your child needs any of these medications, we can give it to them as long as you have given
permission on the yearly health form. Over the counter medication that your child needs at school, which we do not supply (including eye drops), will require a medication permission form. Please contact the health office to discuss before sending anything in.
Fall Athletics
Practice and Game Schedule For Soccer and Cross Country
Detailed Cross Country Meet Information can be found with this link:
Full Practice/Game/Meet Schedule can be found with this link: Click here for the full schedule
Due to a shortage of drivers there is no bus transportation for away games at this time.
There have been some changes due to the Open House Schedule
Cross Country
Saturday Meet (9/24) at Choiniere Family Farm (Gore Road, Highgate, VT).
Runners should arrive at 9am for the walk through.
Choiniere Family Farm Meet
3550 Gore Road
Highgate Center, VT 05459 US
Date: September 24, 2022
Times: Middle School Boys- 10am 2500 meter race
Middle School Girls- 10:45am 2500 meter race
Athletics Next Week 9/26 -10/2
Due to a shortage of drivers there is no bus transportation for away games at this time.
Cross Country
GEMS Meet Begins at 4pm - There is no bus transportation for this meet