Thursday, December 19, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk, Chocolate Chip Cookie
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar

Winter Recess
School will be closed December 23, 2013  - January 1, 2014.  Students return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2014. We hope students and their families have a safe and enjoyable Holiday and Vacation!

After school Activities for December 20th
Open Doors
There are no Open Doors Activities scheduled today
There are no games schedule for today
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls White
6:30-8:00  5/6 Boys Green

Saturday Games for December 21st
All 5/6 Boys teams @ Georgia
All 5/6 Girls @ Swanton

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thursday, December 19th

Thursday, December 19th

Lunch: Holiday Feast
Oven Baked Ham, Chef’s Mashed Potato, Homemade Gravy, Steamed Peas, Chilled Cranberry, Homemade Dinner Roll, Holiday Dessert, Fresh Milk

10:45-11:15 Kindergarten
11:00-11:30 7th
11:15-11:45 3rd
11:30-12:00 8th
11:45-12:15 2nd Grade-AN
12:00-12:30 4th
12:15-12:45 6th
12:30-1:00 5th
12:45-1:15 1st grade- AS

Recently our PE teacher, Cathy Stetz, wrote a grant to Berlin City Auto Group to purchase iPads for the PE department.  Today SATEC was one of ten schools receiving grant money through the Drive for Education grant program sponsored by Berlin City .
Our PE teachers will be able to use the iPads in their classes to use videos to demonstrate new skills, record and provide feedback to students learning new skills, as well as for assessments and recording daily scores.  Three students from the 7th grade, Haven Zada, Caitlyn Archambault, and Hannah Paul, attended the awards ceremony with Mrs. Stetz at Berlin City this morning.

After school Activities for December 19th
Open Doors
5-8 Archery 3:30-5:00 Pelkey’s Archery
Holiday Fun Activities 3:30-5:00 Students will meet in the cafeteria
Crochet 3:30-5:00 Students will meet in the cafeteria

There are no games scheduled for today
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys White
5:00-6:30 7 Boys (Hallway Side)  5/6 Girls White (Stage Side)
5:15-6:30 Cheerleading Practice Cafeteria
6:30-8:00 8 Boys

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wednesday, December 18th

Homemade Pepperoni Pizza, Cheese or Veggie Pizza, Squash Smiles, Fruit and Veggie bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar

10:45-11:15 Kindergarten
11:00-11:30 7th
11:15-11:45 3rd
11:30-12:00 8th
11:45-12:15 2nd Grade-AN
12:00-12:30 4th
12:15-12:45 6th
12:30-1:00 5th
12:45-1:15 1st grade- AS


Our 5th Grade students enjoy a fun day at Jay Peak Mountain.

Helping Hands Fundraiser
Our students collected enough coins to purchase 60 Helping Hands Boxes!  

Winter Recess
School will be closed December 23, 2013  - January 1, 2014.  Students return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2014.

After school Activities for December 18th
Open Doors
3:30-5:00 Talent Show Auditions students should report the cafeteria at dismissal
3:30-5:00  2Inspire Dance Cafeteria
3:30-4:30  VKat  students should report the cafeteria at dismissal

5/6 Girls Green (4:00) and 5/6 Boys Green (5:00) at South Hero
Bus leaves at 3:10 Students are dismissed at 3:05
* This has been a change from the original schedule

3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Gold Practice
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys White Practice
6:30-8:00 7/8 Girls Practice

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, December 17th

Mini Sea Shell Pasta with Cheese Sauce, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Garlic Breadstick, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Families are invited to our Holiday Feast this Thursday.  Please call 527-7191 ext 9214 for reservations.

After school Activities for December 17th
Open Doors
7/8 2Inspire Dance 3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria
5-8 Pizza Making 3:30-5:00 SATEC Kitchen
5-8 VKAT 3:30-4:30 Meet in the Cafeteria

3:30-5:00  5/6 Boys Green
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls Green
5:15-6:30  Cheerleading (Cafeteria)  
6:30-7:45 8 Boys (Stage Side)  7 Boys (Hallway Side)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Monday, December 16th

Dress your Own Burger on a Bun, Lettuce and Tomato, Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

JAY PEAK-5th Grade!
Monday, December 16th is the first Jay Peak ski trip for 5th grade.  This is a reminder for all 5th graders to please make sure to pack all of your outdoor clothing, food, drinks, and snacks. Refer to the Jay Peak Information Packet that was sent home.  The buses will be leaving promptly at 8:25 Monday morning.
5th grade parents: If you will be picking up your child’s equipment at the end of the day please do so after 3:45pm.

After school Activities for December 16th
Open Doors
1-2 Holiday Fun Activities 3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria
5-8 Helping Hands Workshop 3:30-5:00 Mrs. Bates Art Room

3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Gold (Stage Side)   5/6 Girls Green (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls White
6:30-7:45 8 Boys
7/8 Girls (4:00) and 7 Boys (5:00) @ South Hero (Folsom)
Bus Leaves at 3:10
Dismissed at 3:05

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Friday, December 13th

French Toast Sticks with Warm Syrup, Scrambled Eggs, Sweet & white Home Fries, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk and Apple Crisp
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza


Helping Hands Donations
SATEC has purchased 37 boxes with the coins that have been donated! Today will be the last day for collecting change.  Please bring any coins you would like to donate to K-4 SSC.

After school Activities for December 13th
Open Doors
There are no Open Doors Activities scheduled for today
5:00-6:30 5/6 Boys White
6:30-8:00  7 Boys

Extra Curricular events for Saturday, December 14th
Open Doors
LEGO Mindstorm from 10:00-3:00 SATEC Library      
Afternoon parent presentation at 2:30

5/6 Boys Green @ Town 1:00 pm
5/6 Boys Gold @ Town 2:00 pm
5/6 Boys White @ Town 3:00 pm
5/6 Girls White @ Swanton 8:00 am
5/6 Girls Green @ Swanton 11:00 am

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 12th

Chicken Fajitas (Chicken, Sauteed Onions and Peppers, Soft Flour Tortilla, Salsa, Cabot Sour Cream), Rice Pilaf, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza
Taste Test: Butternut Squash Soup

Red Ribbon: Thursday- “Team up Against Drugs”- Wear your favorite team shirt

After school Activities for December 12th
Open Doors
3/4 Holiday Fun Activities from 3:30-5:00
5-8 Archery from 3:30-5:00
Iron Chef from 3:30-5:00

The Open Doors’ Junior Iron Chef team is baking some tasty treats for staff and community members to purchase this Holiday season. Profits will benefit the Junior Iron Chef team’s experiences and supplies.

Maple bars for 1/2 doz $6    $10 for a doz
Peppermint chocolate whoopie pies  $1 for one   $5.50 for 6
Oreo bark           $ TBA
Peppermint bark $ TBA

To place your order please contact Jauna Berry by email or phone 527-7191 ext.9568.  Orders must be placed by the end of the day of December 16th for delivery or pick up on December 20th.

7/8 Girls @ MVU 6:00 p.m. No Bus
8 Boys @ MVU 7:00 p.m. No Bus
5/6 Boys Gold 3:30-5:00
5/6 Girls Green 5:00-6:30
5/6 Boys White 6:30-8:00

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wednesday, December 11th

Shepherd’s Pie, Corn Bread, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Red Ribbon:  Wednesday- “Mix It Up”- Wear mixed up clothes

After school Activities for December 11th
Open Doors
VKAT 3:30-4:30 students report to the cafeteria
5/6 2INSPIRE dance  3:30-5:00  SATEC Cafeteria
2-4 Holiday Frenzy 3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria

The Open Doors’ Junior Iron Chef team is baking some tasty treats for staff and community members to purchase this Holiday season. Profits will benefit the Junior Iron Chef team’s experiences and supplies.

Maple bars for 1/2 doz $6    $10 for a doz
Peppermint chocolate whoopie pies  $1 for one   $5.50 for 6
Oreo bark           $ TBA
Peppermint bark $ TBA

To place your order please contact Jauna Berry by email or phone 527-7191 ext.9568.  Orders must be placed by the end of the day of December 16th for delivery or pick up on December 20th.

3:30-5:00  5/6 Boys White (this has been a change from the original schedule)
5:00-6:30  5/6 Boys Green Practice
6:30-8:00  7/ 8 Boys Practice

SATEC School Board Meeting @ 6:00pm in Conference Room B

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tuesday, December 10th

Macaroni with Meat Sauce or Garden Marinara Sauce, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Garlic Bread Stick, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

JHP Members proudly hold their messages to promote making a world of difference during the opening assembly for Red Ribbon Week.

After school Activities for December 10th
Open Doors
7/8 2INSPIRE dance 3:30-5:00 SATEC cafeteria
5-8 Pizza Making 3:30-5:00 SATEC kitchen
VKAT 3:30-4:30 students report to the cafeteria

3:30-5:00    5/6 Boys Gold (this has been a change from the original schedule)
5:00-6:15   7 Boys Practice
5:15-6:30   Cheerleading Practice SATEC Cafeteria
6:15-7:45   8 Boys Practice

Friday, December 6, 2013

Monday, December 9th

Oven Baked Chicken, Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Corporal Wetherby was the “Mystery Reader” for Mrs. Curry’s 1st Grade.

Monday- Wear Red
Tuesday- “Give Drug the Slip”- Wear slippers and PJs
Wednesday- “Mix It Up”- Wear mixed up clothes
Thursday- “Team up Against Drugs”- Wear your favorite team shirt
Friday- “The Future is Bright”- Wear white

Mangahigh Math Challenge:
Congratulations to SATEC students for their fantastic performance in the November North America Math Games Challenge! We managed to place 45th out of 2,521 schools across the US and Canada that took part last month - which is a serious achievement!  Perhaps even more impressively, our school ranked 132nd on the November Global Leader Board, and this was competing with 5,602 schools across the world!  

After school Activities for December 9th
Open Doors
Holiday Fun Activities for grades 1&2  3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria
Helping Hands for grades 5 & 6  3:30-5:00 Mrs.Bates Art Room

3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Green Practice
5:00-6:30  5/6 Girls White Practice (Hallway Side)    5/6 Girls Green Practice (Stage Side)

6:30-7:45 7/8 Girls (Hallway Side)       8 Boys (Stage Side)