Dress your Own Burger on a Bun, Lettuce and Tomato, Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza
JAY PEAK-5th Grade!
Monday, December 16th is the first Jay Peak ski trip for 5th grade. This is a reminder for all 5th graders to please make sure to pack all of your outdoor clothing, food, drinks, and snacks. Refer to the Jay Peak Information Packet that was sent home. The buses will be leaving promptly at 8:25 Monday morning.
5th grade parents: If you will be picking up your child’s equipment at the end of the day please do so after 3:45pm.
After school Activities for December 16th
Open Doors
1-2 Holiday Fun Activities 3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria
5-8 Helping Hands Workshop 3:30-5:00 Mrs. Bates Art Room
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Gold (Stage Side) 5/6 Girls Green (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls White
6:30-7:45 8 Boys
7/8 Girls (4:00) and 7 Boys (5:00) @ South Hero (Folsom)
Bus Leaves at 3:10
Dismissed at 3:05