Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wednesday, December 4th

Cheesy Breadsticks, Hearty Homemade Soup, Marinara Dipping Sauce, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, Or Deli Sandwich, Or Salad Bar, Or Pizza

Helping Hands Fundraiser: So far SATEC has purchased 14 Helping Hands Boxes!!
Change can be dropped off in Mrs. Ward’s office in the K-4 SSC. Thank you for supporting your community!

After school Activities for December 4th
Open Doors
5/6 2INSPIRE dance 3:30-5:00 SATEC Cafeteria

Back by popular demand!
We will be offering another LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Workshop on Saturday, December 14th 10:00-3:00 in the SATEC Library.
Brochures were handed out on Tuesday and are due back on Monday, December 9th.

Helping Hands Workshop
Come spend the afternoon with Mrs. Bates and your friends as you catch up on the latest designs and new nail art techniques.
Open for grades 5/6 on Monday, December 9th 3:30-5:00 and grades 7/8 on Monday December 16th. 3:30-5:00  $5.00
We also ask each participant to bring a nonperishable item to donate to a local food shelf.
Brochures were handed out on Tuesday and are due back on Friday, December 6th.

3:30-5:00 Boys Gold
5:00-6:30 Boys Green
6:30-8:00 7th Boys Practice