Tuesday, October 8th
Mini Sea Shell Pasta w/Cheese Sauce, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Broccoli Sprigs, Oatmeal Cookies, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, OR Sunbutter & Jelly, OR Deli Sandwich, OR Salad Bar, OR Pizza
Reminder that NECAP testing is continuing throughout this week and next. Please see the grade level schedule posted at www.satecvt.org.
Volunteer Background Checks:
If you would like to volunteer in a classroom or chaperone a field trip please stop by and see Lorna or Kathy to complete the required paperwork. We are required to have all volunteers complete this process annually.
Athletics for today (Tuesday, October 8th)
Soccer Games:
7 Girls and 7 Boys host Westford 4:00
5/6 Boys White
8 Girls
5/6 Girls White
Cross Country:
Cross Country at Fairfax 4:00
Bus leaves at 2:45
Runners are encouraged to dress in a costume
The Westford Cross Country Race for has been rescheduled for this Friday, October 11th 4:00
Open Doors:
There are still openings for Open Doors’ 3rd and 4th grade “Creative Carving” Workshop
Tuesday, October 15th or Wednesday October 23rd 3:30-5:00
$10 includes the price of pumpkin.
Please contact Mary Rose Bedard with any questions mrbedard@fcsuvt.org 527-7191 ext.9321