Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday, October 2nd

Cheesy Breadsticks, Marinara Dipping Sauce, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
Yogurt, OR Sunbutter & Jelly, OR Deli Sandwich, OR Salad Bar, OR Pizza
Taste Test: Raw Broccoli and Cauliflower

School Pictures:
Picture Days are Thursday, October 3rd and Friday October 4th.  Picture Packets were already sent home and if you did not receive one please contact your child’s teachers.

Calendar 2.0
As we posted about last month, there are currently conversations taking place around changing the school calendar for the 2014-2015 school year.   In short, the proposed new school calendar would maintain the same number of student days, would increase the number of breaks throughout the year, would begin school a week earlier in August and end a week later in June.  

Although the administration at SATEC is supportive of exploring alternative options for our school calendar, we have a few questions about how the proposed new calendar would benefit our students. A few of our questions are listed below:
1- Intersession (i.e. breaks) are intended for students to receive extra support in academic areas of need or enrichment.  How would these intersession instructional sessions be funded?  How would students be transported and what are the related costs?  How would a family manage child care in the event that some children in a household need extra support and others don’t?
2- Starting earlier in August and ending later in June would potentially mean very warm conditions for our students.  SATEC is interested in looking at providing air conditioning for our classrooms, but there is a cost and timeline associated with this.

There will be an informational meeting regarding calendar 2.0 at BFA St. Albans on October 3rd at 6:30pm in the cafeteria.  The meeting is intended to find out more details about the proposal and for community members to ask questions.

Below is a link that contains more information from the regional superintendents about Calendar 2.0 and their rationale and their research about the reasons for the proposed change. In addition, there is a link to a recent article in the Burlington Free Press.

Below is a link to the Calendar 2.0 Blog

Athletics: ( Wednesday, October 2nd)
7 Girls and 7 Boys host City 4:15

5:00-6:15 --5/6 Girls Green Practice

5:30-6:30 --5/6 Girls White Practice

Cross Country at Browns River 4:00
Bus leaves at 2:45