Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday, November 22nd

Chicken Fajtias (Chicken, Sauteed Onions and Peppers, Soft Flour Tortilla, Salsa, Cabot Sour Cream), Rice Pilaf, Fruit and Veggie Bar, Homemade Soup, Fresh Milk
OR Yogurt, Or Sunbutter & Jelly, OR Deli Sandwich, OR Salad Bar, OR Pizza

We would like to thank all the families and parents who joined us for our Thanksgiving lunch yesterday. We wish all our students and families a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe vacation!

No school 11/25/13 - 11/29/13, Teacher Inservice and Thanksgiving Break

After school Activities for November 22nd
Open Doors
3/4 Ballet 3:30-4:30 SATEC Gym

Winter Sports for 5-8 will begin on December 2nd. Schedules for practice times were handed out this week.

Athletic schedule for Monday, December 2nd:
3:30-5:00   5/6 Boys Gold
* 5:00-6:30   5/6 Girls
* 6:30-7:45   8 Boys
*A reminder that if your practice time is not directly after school you must go home and come back. Students can not be left unsupervised after school.