Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 21st

The Thanksgiving Feast will be Thursday, November 21, 2013
We invite you to our Thanksgiving Luncheon to have lunch with your child/children.
Cost: Students $1.95
Adults $3.25

Thanksgiving Feast Menu:
Roast Turkey, Homemade Mashed Potato W/Gravy, Stuffing,Chilled Cranberry Sauce, Seasonal Vegetable, Homemade Dinner Rolls, Festive Dessert,Farm Fresh Milk

No school 11/25/13 - 11/29/13, Teacher Inservice and Thanksgiving Break

Helping Hands
During this Holiday Season, our school will be collecting loose change to purchase Helping Hands (formerly know as Fund a Feasts) from Hannaford to donate to the Franklin County Food Shelf. Students can bring in loose change starting Monday, November 18, 2013, until Friday, December 13, 2013. The change will be collected, counted and Helping Hand boxes will be purchased ($10.00 each). Change can be dropped off in Mrs. Ward’s office in the K-4 SSC.
Last year, St. Albans Town Educational School classes were able to purchase over 50 boxes to donate.  The St. Albans Hannaford sold over 4000 boxes and won last year’s district and company competition to give an extra $3500.00 to the Franklin County Food Shelf.
Let’s see how many boxes we can purchase this year!   Thank you for your support.  

After school Activities for November 21st
Open Doors
Archery 3:30-5:00  Pelkey’s Archery
Crochet 3:30-4:30  Cafeteria
Iron Chef 3:30-5:00  SATEC Kitchen

3/4 Boys Basketball  SATEC Gym from 3:30-4:30pm