Chicken and Biscuits
Steamed Mixed Vegetables
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup
Reminder - Picture retakes will be this Friday, December 4, 2015. If your child needs their picture retaken please send the original packet back to school, if they haven’t had their pictures taken there are envelopes in the front office.
After School Activities for Friday, 12/4/2015
There are no after school activities for today
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys White
Student Council’s 5/6 Fun Night
5-7 p.m.
$3.00 admission
$2.00 admission with a non perishable good
All school expectations apply to this event.
A Message from the ACT 46 Committee:
Did you know… Are there assurances that our small elementary school will not be closed?
Unification can mean savings through streamlined operations so that the larger school district can continue to provide all students and communities with the education system that works best for them. Unification would not mean closure of schools, including Fairfield. In reality, the unified district would provide a much stronger buffer against tax rate increases to the Fairfield residents than they have now. Currently, small changes in size of student population can have a big impact on the school district's cost per pupil, and thus, a substantial increase in tax rates. Unification would allow them to experience the benefits of the larger pupil count, stabilizing their cost per pupil which will, in turn, stabilize the tax rate.
A unification now would put the school system in a much better financial situation to operate small schools than without the incentives.
Additionally, keep in mind that Fairfield is not a small school according to Vermont standards. When the state talks about small schools they are talking about schools with less than ten students per grade. Fairfield generally has more than 20 students per grade. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to