Taco Bar w/Hard or Soft Shell - Seasoned Taco Meat, Mozz. Cheese, Sour Cream, Salsa
Rice Pilaf
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup
After School Activities for 12/3/2015
Yearbook Club 3:30-4:30
Winter Extravaganza Workshops: 3:30-5:00
3-8 Acting
3/4 Costume, props and design
Participating Students can meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
3:30-5:00 7 Boys (Hallway Side) 8 Girls (Stage Side)
6:30-8:00 8 Boys
*Please note that there is no supervision for our athletes during after school hours. If your child has a later practice time, please drop them off only ten minutes before their scheduled time and be sure to be waiting for them at the end of practice.
Reminder - Picture retakes will be this Friday, December 4, 2015. If your child needs their picture retaken please send the original packet back to school, if they haven’t had their pictures taken there are envelopes in the front office.
A Message from the ACT 46 Study Committee:
Did you know… Where the streamlining savings would come from?
One major example would be in business operations. Currently, the FCSU business office must create five separate and duplicate budgets, have five separate audits and provide regular financial reports to five separate school boards. That takes an enormous amount of staff time. In a merged district, it would be reduced to one budget, one audit and reports to just one board.
There are many other opportunities such as shared administrative staff, shared janitorial and food service staff, and joint bids for services such as lawn mowing. The list of opportunities is long, and would be scrutinized by the new unified board. If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to