Cheesy Breadsticks w/Marinara
Minestrone Soup
Fruit & Veggie Bar
PBIS tip #1 - Research has shown - clearly established behavior expectations that are taught at home and at school, prevents or reduces problem behavior.
After School Activities:
4:00 5/6 Girls White (F2) and 5/6 Boys White (F3) host Sheldon
*8 girls and 8 boys games against Sheldon have been cancelled. Practices will take place of the games. 5:15-6:30 (F2) 8 Girls 5:00-6:30 8 Boys (F3)
3:30-5:00 5/6 Boys Green (F1)
*A reminder that there is no supervision provided after school. All players and student spectators must be accompanied by an adult.