Chicken Fajitas w/onions & peppers
Rice Pilaf
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Vegetable Soup
NECAP Science Testing Schedule
4th Grade
May 9th - 12:40-2:10
May 10th - 12:40-2:10
8th Grade
May 9th - 9:15-10:45
May 10th - 9:15-10:45
She Needs A Haircut! Relay for Life Raffle
The CHAMP Community is selling tickets. The winning ticket holder gets to cut Mrs. Ely’s hair. Her hair will be donated to make wigs for cancer patients. Winning Ticket will be drawn on Wednesday, June 14th. Cutting Ceremony will take place at SATEC on Monday, June 19th. All money raised will be donated to the CHAMP Community Relay for Life Team. Tickets will be on sale during lunch periods for 4th - 8th grade starting Monday.
Ticket Prices
1 ticket for $1
6 tickets for $5
Arm’s Length for $10 (avg. 15 tickets)
See any CHAMP Community member to purchase tickets
Parent Teacher Conferences -Pick A Time became accessible on April 10th to schedule your Parent/Teacher Conference. Here is the link to Pick A time to set up your Parent/Teacher Conference.
Parent/Teacher conference window will be from April 17th - May 12th (except for Spring vacation week in April). If you do not have internet access or need additional help setting up your conference, please call Tammy Deso 752-2700.
After School Activities
3:30-4:45 8th grade 2INSPIRE Dance
3:30-5:00 3-5 Girls on the Run
There are no athletics scheduled for today.