Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Chicken Noodle Soup
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar
Kindergarten Concert will be Friday, May 26 at 2pm in the Cafeteria
No School Monday May 29, 2017 for Memorial Day
Walking Wednesday, 5/24/17
SATEC Staff supervised walking school bus starting locations 2016-2017:
- Barlow Street School- Departs at 7:40AM
- J&L Service Center- Departs at 7:45AM (Cricket, Route 5)
- Intersection of Parsons and Orchard Street - Departs at 7:40 AM
- Intersection of Thorpe Ave. Ext. and Bradley Court - Departs at 7:40 AM (Sonia, Route 8)
- Tanglewood Drive- Departs at 7:40AM
SBAC Testing Schedule Spring 2017
There will be no homework K-8 throughout the entire testing window.
3rd Grade
4th Grade
May 24th - 10:00-11:30
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
May 24th 1:00-2:30
8th Grade
Make ups will be May 30th - June 9th
After School Activities
3:30-4:30 3-8 2inspire dance
3:30-5:00 3-5 Girls on the Run
Softball Only host Fairfield 4:00