Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Dress Your Own Hot Dog
Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

PowerSchool for 8th grade families:  To access PowerSchool please use this new link. https://powerschool.maplerun.org/public/home.html

Soccer practices for Tuesday, September 5, 2017
3:30-5:00 8 Girls (F1)  5/6 Boys (F2 and F3)

5:00-6:30 8 Boys (F1)  5/6 Girls (F2)

5:30-7:00 7 Girls (F3)

All paperwork must be in to Ms. Rose in order to participate.

5-8 Cross Country will begin Thursday 3:45-4:45

  • Parent volunteer needed. This Saturday, SATEC will be hosting it’s annual 7th & 8th grade soccer jamboree. This year we are looking to sell grilled hot dogs and burgers at our snack shack. We are in need of a grill person(s) to help during the hours of 11:00-2:00. If we have a few people, there can be shifts. Please contact Athletic Director, Rose Bedard at mrbedard@maplerun.org or 802-752-2703 if you are interested in helping.