Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Maple Apple French Toast Bake w/Local Maple Syrup
Fresh Cut Sweet & White Home Fries
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

SATEC Staff supervised walking school bus starting locations 2017-2018:
We will be walking Wednesday September 13th.

Barlow Street School- Departs at 8:00AM
J & L Service Center- Departs at 8:00AM (Cricket, Route 5)
Intersection of Parsons and Orchard Street - Departs at 7:50 AM
Intersection of Thorpe Ave. Ext. and Sunset Terrace - Departs at 7:50 AM(Sonia, Route 2)
End of Meadowbrook/Potters Ave- Departs at 8:05AM

Odyssey of the Mind

What is Odyssey of the Mind?

A team creative thinking and problem solving competition that runs from mid-October to March 17 (state competition day).  (Typically one practice a week, time is based on volunteer coach’s schedule)

Who can participate?

Any Maple Run student in grades K-8 (no cost to participate) who is willing to  use their imagination and skills, can work together on a team and wants to think outside the box!
Want to learn more about the program for school year 2017-2018?
Come to a fun spontaneous problem night to learn more about this program and participate in activities!  
September 22th in the SATEC cafeteria from 6:30-8.  
RSVP (to make sure we have enough room/activities) to:
Lynn Tetreault- ltetreault5@icloud.com  or return this bottom portion to the main office at school.  
Name of student(s)/grade:
Number attending:
After School Activities for today
7 and 8 Girls @ Georgia 4:00
Bus leaves at 3:35
Students dismissed at 3:25

7 Boys (F2) and 8 Boys (F3) Host Georgia

3:30-5:00  5/6 Girls White (F1)  

5:00-6:15 5/6 Boys Green (F2)   

5:00-6:30 5/6 Girls Green (F1)