Sunday, December 3, 2017

Monday, December 4, 2017

Asst. Whole Grain Cereal or
Bagel w/Cream Cheese
Fresh Fruit

Dress Your Own Hot Dog
Garden Pasta Salad
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

St. Albans Town Educational Center is a member of the Jay Peak Foundations School Program therefore, the entire school community has access to these discounted prices at Jay Peak.  All you need to bring is your school ID or a SATEC letterhead, newsletter or a document like a report card that shows you are a SATEC school community member.
Season Passes:
Parent:                                                     $649.00        - Jay Only
                                                                    $739.00        - Jay/Burke combo
Sibling (age 6-18):                                       $319.00        - Jay Only
                                                                    $379.00        -Jay/Burke Combo
Foundations Junior employee:                $219.00        - Jay Only
                                                                    $299.00        - Jay/Burke combo
*All season passes are subject to 6% VT sales tax, which is NOT included in the above rates*
*Must stop into Jay Peak Customer Service, or call customer service directly for these rates*
Other Perks and Rates:
* Foundation Students and Chaperones receive $15 Rentals and $30 Lift Tickets on non-school ski days with valid and current school ID.
        - All chaperones must be on a chaperone list for your school in order to be eligible for this discount. Please provide a list of chaperones prior to the ski season to
** Each chaperone will earn one complimentary day of skiing at Jay Peak after chaperoning three ski trip days with their school.
Contact Kelly Benner-Campbell at Jay Peak (802) 327-2329 if you have questions.

Diaper Drive ‘17
Dear SATEC Families,
     The CHAMP Community is  sponsoring The Dee PT Great Diaper Drive.  We are asking SATEC families to donate diapers of any size and brand (even wipes and Pull-Ups). The diapers will go to COTS. We are collecting from now until Dec. 18th. SATEC’s goal is to collect 6,000 diapers last year we donated over 5,000 diapers and our two year total is just over 8,000 diapers!

Collecting until December 18th

We are grateful for any donations that are made

Diapers can be left with your child’s homeroom teacher or dropped off to a CHAMP Community classroom. Donations  will be collected daily starting Monday, December 4th by CHAMP Community volunteers

Questions contact Laurie Ely @

Operation Happiness
Canned Food Drive
5th - 8th Grade Competition
November 27th-December 7th
Every holiday season, SATEC families give back to the community in various ways. This year, we will once again be hosting a friendly competition in the middle school to support Operation Happiness.

Operation Happiness is a community initiative run by dedicated volunteers that relies heavily on the generosity and support of our community. With over 300 volunteers joining together each year, Operation Happiness is able to provide baskets of food during the holidays to over 1,100 families throughout Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. (   
If you can spare any non-perishable food items, please send them in with your child. Thank you for your contribution to our canned food drive!  
Which grade will donate the most food? Keep an eye on the bar graph in the main hallway to find out!

After School Today
3/4 2INSPIRE Dance
K-8 Talent Show Auditions
Performers will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal

Open Door’s Holiday Workshops
“Crafty Creations”
Students will meet in the cafeteria after dismissal

Basketball Practices
3:45-5:00 8 Boys
5:00-6:30  7/8 Girls (Stage side)  5/6 Girls (Hallway side)

6:30-7:45 7 Boys