Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Sausage & Cheese English Muffin or Bagel w/Cream Cheese
Fresh Fruit

Oven Roasted Hot Turkey Sandwich
Chef’s Mashed Potato
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Bar

Diaper Drive ‘17
Dear SATEC Families,
     The CHAMP Community is  sponsoring The Dee PT Great Diaper Drive.  We are asking SATEC families to donate diapers of any size and brand (even wipes and Pull-Ups). The diapers will go to COTS. We are collecting from now until Dec. 18th. SATEC’s goal is to collect 6,000 diapers last year we donated over 5,000 diapers and our two year total is just over 8,000 diapers!

Collecting until December 18th

We are grateful for any donations that are made

Diapers can be left with your child’s homeroom teacher or dropped off to a CHAMP Community classroom. Donations  will be collected daily starting Monday, December 4th by CHAMP Community volunteers

Questions contact Laurie Ely @

Day one official total 1,484 diapers! Keep 'em coming! Our goal is 6,000 by
December 18th.

Operation Happiness
Canned Food Drive
5th - 8th Grade Competition
November 27th-December 7th
Every holiday season, SATEC families give back to the community in various ways. This year, we will once again be hosting a friendly competition in the middle school to support Operation Happiness.

Operation Happiness is a community initiative run by dedicated volunteers that relies heavily on the generosity and support of our community. With over 300 volunteers joining together each year, Operation Happiness is able to provide baskets of food during the holidays to over 1,100 families throughout Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. (   
If you can spare any non-perishable food items, please send them in with your child. Thank you for your contribution to our canned food drive!  
Which grade will donate the most food? Keep an eye on the bar graph in the main hallway to find out!

Open Door’s Holiday Workshops
1-3 Paint and Sip
3-8 Robot Making

Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal

Basketball Practices
3:45-5:00 8 Boys
5:00-6:30 7 Boys
6:30-8:00 5/6 Boys White

5:30-7:00 Cheer practice in the cafeteria

  • This is  reminder that all basketball players, and cheerleaders  that there is no after school supervision. All athletes must go home and return back to their later practice or game time. The only exceptions are if your child is previously enrolled in after school program, their coach or a parent has agreed to come early to supervise them, or under special circumstances, they have spoken to the Athletic Director and have got consent.

This is also goes for students staying after school to watch their peers’ games. An adult must be present after school to supervise them. A note from home giving permission from their parent/guardian will not be accepted.