Thursday, April 16, 2020

Daily Announcements: Friday, April 17th

Friday, April 17th

Meal Site Pick Up- SATEC will open as a meal site pick up on Monday April 27th . 

Meals are available for pick up or delivery Monday & Thursday’s.
Pick up time is from 11:00-12:30.
Contact information:
If you have any questions please reach out to the following staff at your school:
FCS - Brenda Goodhue 827-6639 or
SACS - Jennifer Seymour 527-0565 or
SATEC -Tammy Deso 752-2700 or
BFA - Teri Brunelle 527-6404 or

Library Time with Mr. Flanagan-

Art for 5-8 students! 🌼🌷 Here is a link to our site! Check out the slide show for each
grade and find assignments at the end, with photos of your classmates’ work!
Please email me your work! 
You can also follow me on pinterest! There are some cool ideas for art!

Physical Education: “Around The House” Challenge with Mr. Konrad & Family.

🎨🌈Art with Mrs. Bates -Here is a link to my ART CLASS WEBSITE!  You will
find a weekly art assignment to try at home, links to my pinterest page for more ideas,
youtube lessons, our favorite art stories being read aloud, and even a rotating art show of
some student work!  I will update weekly. Keep creating, and have fun! I miss you all! -Mrs. Bates

7th/8th grade wellness: Please make sure to sign in to your Wellness Google Classroom so you don’t miss any assignments.  Your classroom teachers have shared the code with you. ~Mrs. Stetz