Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Daily Announcements: Wednesday, April 15th

Check out all the great ideas and resources on our eLearning webpage

Library with Mr. Flanagan

🎨🌈Art with Mrs. Bates -Here is a link to my ART CLASS WEBSITE!  You will find a weekly
art assignment to try at home, links to my pinterest page for more ideas, youtube lessons,
our favorite art stories being read aloud, and even a rotating art show of some student work! 
I will update weekly. Keep creating, and have fun! I miss you all! -Mrs. Bates

PE ideas-It would be Jump Rope for Heart time!  If you have a jump rope try these jump rope
rhymes with your family Jump rope rhymes

7th/8th grade wellness: Please make sure to sign in to your Wellness Google Classroom so you
don’t miss any assignments.  Your classroom teachers have shared the code with you. ~Mrs. Stetz

Physical Education: “Around The House” Challenge with Mr. Konrad &
Family. https://youtu.be/rQWJI02OL9A