Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast
Carved Turkey
Chef’s Mashed Potato w/gravy
Seasoned Squash
Hearty Stuffing
Homemade Dinner Roll
Chilled Cranberry
Holiday Dessert
Fresh Milk

SATEC Lunch Times:
Kindergarten - 10:45,  7th Grade - 11:00, 3rd Grade - 11:15, 8th Grade - 11:30,
1st Grade - 11:45,  4th Grade - 12:00, 6th Grade - 12:15, 5th Grade - 12:30, 2nd Grade - 12:45

Congratulations to all our students who walked to school today!  This is our 11th week in a row that we have been walking to school on Wednesdays.  Stayed tuned in December as our goal in the winter will be to walk once a month.  

7th grade Enrichment Block Fitness Class gets some training from Beth Hemingway, a personal trainer from Collins Perley.  It is awesome to have such great community volunteers!

Open Doors (11/20/14):
In between Open Doors Sessions (December 1st-12th) we will be offering students in grades 3-8 and school wide faculty and staff the opportunity to sign up and participate in SATEC’s “Winter Extravaganza”.  This is a structured and rehearsed variety show that will have various acts of singing, dancing, acting, story telling, band playing and beyond!
Students will be allowed to choose what they would be interested in participating in. (i.e. singing, dancing, acting) or helping with the show (costumes, props, etc.) We will spend two weeks after school rehearsing (some acts won’t go everyday) to prepare for an evening show for the community, students and staff!
Students received information this past Friday.

We will be accepting forms until Friday, the 21st.
There is no cost to sign up, just a commitment to your acts and you to do your very best!!
Please contact Rose Bedard with any questions  or 752-2703

This is the last week of Open Doors.

Open Doors
3:30-4:30 Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
3/4 Intramural Sports

3:30-5:00  Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
5-8 Cooking with Mrs. King

3:30-5:00 2-4 Wild Child Work Out
*Students need to board bus #6 at dismissal to be transported to the “Train Station.”
Pick up will be at the “Train Station” (Formerly known at the The Fitness Zone) at 5:00

3:30-5:00 5-8 Archery
Students will need to board bus # 10 at dismissal to be transported to Pelkey’s Archery.
Students will be brought back to SATEC for a 5:00 dismissal.

Athletics (11/20/14):

3/4 Basketball
Students will meet in the Locker Room hallway at dismissal

8 Boys (Hallway Side Of Gym)

5/6 Boys Green ( Hallway Side of Gym)   5/6 Boys White (Stage Side of Gym)

7/8 Boys