Macaroni & Cheese
Kale Chips
Homemade Cornbread
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
Thanksgiving Feast Please mark your calendar and join us on Thursday, November 20th for our annual Thanksgiving Feast hosted by the Abbey Group from 10:45-1:15 in the school cafeteria. The cost will be $1.95 for students and $3.60 for adults.
St. Albans Town is rewriting its Zoning Bylaws and we want your input!
The built environment influences the way we commute, shop, and live. Come discuss potential
modifications to our Zoning Bylaws that affect people walking, biking, or driving. Let the Town know
what changes you would like to see.
There will be a meeting on November 19th at 6:30pm in the SATEC cafeteria on how the zoning bylaws can affect walking and biking choices/infrastructure. This will be a great way for parents who want to see more walking and biking options to express their opinions to the Town. Here is a link to the information:
Open Doors:
This is the last week of Open Doors.
3:30-5:00 Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
5-8 Intramural Sports
7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
3/4 Arts and Crafts Mixer
5-8 Tennis will load bus number # 5 at dismissal to go the Complex. A bus will bring you back to SATEC at 4:55 for dismissal.
In between Open Doors Sessions (December 1st-12th) we will be offering students in grades 3-8 and school wide faculty and staff the opportunity to sign up and participate in SATEC’s “Winter Extravaganza”. This is a structured and rehearsed variety show that will have various acts of singing, dancing, acting, story telling, band playing and beyond!
Students will be allowed to choose what they would be interested in participating in. (i.e. singing, dancing, acting) or helping with the show (costumes, props, etc.) We will spend two weeks after school rehearsing (some acts won’t go everyday) to prepare for an evening show for the community, students and staff!
Students received information this past Friday.
We will be accepting forms until Friday, the 21st.
There is no cost to sign up, just a commitment to your acts and you to do your very best!!
Basketball began yesterday.
Participants who have handed in their paperwork and are cleared have been given a schedule for this week. A full season schedule will be handed out next week. Students must be academically eligible to play.
Practices for Tuesday, November 18th.
3:30-5:00 7/8 Boys (Hallway Side of Gym)
5:00-6:15 8 Boys