Goulash- Tomato, Macaroni & Beef Bake
Garden Slaw
Garlic Breadstick
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
Students received a copy today of the SATEC newsletter.
End of day Pick Up:
Beginning Monday, November 10, 2104, we will be dismissing care riders to the cafeteria for pick up. This will hopefully help to alleviate some of the end of the day congestion and confusion in the main hallway.
If you come into school to get your children, please head to the cafeteria to wait. We will have a few tables set up for you to sit at while you are waiting. Your child/children will be brought to the cafeteria by their teachers when they are dismissed for the day.
Reminder: Kindergarten students are dismissed at 3:15pm, grades 1&2 at 3:18pm, grades 3-5 at 3:22pm and grades 6-8 at 3:25pm.
Correction - Picture Retakes - Friday, November 7, 2014. If your child/children need their pictures retaken please send the complete original packet back. There is a $5.00 fee if the reason for retakes is not related to the picture quality.
Open Doors
3:30-5:00 Students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal
5-8 Intramural Sports
7/8 2INSPIRE Dance
3/4 Arts and Crafts Mixer
5-8 Tennis will load bus number # 5 at dismissal to go the Complex. A bus will bring you back to SATEC at 4:55 for dismissal.
Athletics 3:30-4:45
- 7th Grade Boys will have their Soccer Season Celebration on Tuesday, November 5th @ 5:00 in the cafeteria.
5-8 Winter Sports Coaching Positions Available
We are still looking to fill the following coaching positions.
5/6 Boys Basketball
7th Grade Girls Basketball
Cheerleading/Spirit Squad
Please contact Mary Rose Bedard 802-752-2703 or if interested.
SATEC Athletics values our parents’ feedback and input on how we can continue to improve our student-athletes’ athletic experience. If your child participated in a fall sport this 2014 season we ask that you please take the time to fill out the short survey below. Students will receive a similar survey through their school email.
Uniform Return
Players have been a great job with returning their Jerseys. We want to remind players that their jerseys need to be handed in to Ms. Rose in the back lobby. All Jerseys need to be washed and placed in the plastic bag that there were given in, along with the sheet that identifies their name, #, and team. There will be a blue bin for students to put the jerseys in. If players’ uniforms are not handed by 11/3 it will be considered “lost” and there will be $30.00 charge.