Oven Baked BBQ Chicken
Homemade French Fries
Fruit & Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
or Yogurt or Sunbutter and Jelly or Deli Sandwich or Pizza
The Hour of Code
We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and less students are studying it than a decade ago.
That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 8-14). Last year, 15 million students tried computer science in one week. This year, we're joining students worldwide to reach 100 million students!
Here at SATEC, on Monday, December 8th, every student will try their hand at computer coding!
Headphones needed!
Monday SATEC will be joining with schools around the world to give all of our students an opportunity to try an Hour of Code in celebration of Computer Science Education Week. If your child has a set of headphones or earbuds that they use at home, please allow them to bring them to school on Monday to use during this activity.
Come and join us for SATEC's first ever "Winter Extravaganza" - Friday, 12/12/14 @ 6pm
On Friday, December 12th we will be holding our first ever "Winter Extravaganza". 75 SATEC students in grades 3-8 and a number of SATEC Staff members will perform a variety show of music, singing, dancing and acting.
"Winter Extravaganza" is themed around community, the holidays, winter and the culture of Vermont. Students and staff were give only two weeks to learn and polish their selected acts.
The show is open to the community,family, staff, friends and students of SATEC.
Friday, 12/12/14 at 6:00 p.m. in the SATEC Gymansium. The doors will open at 5:30.
$5.00 Admission with all proceeds to benefit the SATEC Open Doors Program
Children 6 and under free.
Open Doors:
The fun, excitement and preparation for SATEC’s Winter Extravaganza will continue!
All participants who are scheduled today will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal.
Pick up will be at 5:00 in the back lobby.
3:30-5:00 7 Boys (Stage Side) 8 Girls (Hallway Side)
5:00-6:30 7/8 Boys (Hallway Side) 7 Girls (Stage Side)